Improve ability to edit and re-apply an exercise to a program
Maybe I’m doing something wrong, but I find it laborious to manage changes to a mid-stream PROGRAM. I typically build out 4 week periodized programs. If, mid-stream, I want to change a workout right now I’m copying the program, unpublish the remainder of the sessions, change the workout I want, delete all the ones that they’ve already completed and then republish the smaller new program to the athlete. At a program level, I’d love to see something like TrainingPeaks “Dynamic Plan” where I could change the program and it would apply to all athletes who have that program. THIS WOULD BE MASSIVE.
That said, I think it would also be useful to just be able to change selective workouts for a given athlete (rather than dynamic for everyone). This is a practical request, because I may find someone has a problem with say, as an example, a deadlift and may want to change just that exercise without all the hurdles I outlined above (but not change everyone else’s).