140 results found
Add Km to Road Cycling
The athlete lives in Europe and she is adding her cycling to her Training Calendar. There is no option for Km.
1 vote -
Flexibility to move program start date without losing workouts
I am a customer of someone who created a program and uses Train Heroic for their delivery method. I got sick during the first few weeks of my program, and was told to move the start date. When I did this however, data from my program was lost, which resulted in lost workouts. This is incredibly frustrating as someone who paid for this program and cannot get the information back. There is nothing Train Heroic is doing to further assist me or correct this.
3 votes -
5 votes
Quick Edit Function from the Calendar View
The ability to edit sessions from the calendar view rather than having to go into each individual session to make small edits to sets, reps, weight, etc.
5 votes -
Ability to Drag and Drop to Reorder Exercises in a Session
It would be really nice to be able to drag an exercise up and down when editing a session. This would make it so much easier to add a new exercise at the beginning of a session compared to the current arrow buttons.
27 votes -
5 votes
1 vote
Programming progressive overloads within Mesocycles/ Repeated workouts and bulk programming.
More often than not programs will be the same for multiple weeks so could we get the ability to bulk-make the program so that if I adjust one workout it would do all the workouts within the program? It would go in hand with windows and adjust the variables for repeated workouts within a program rather than going into each individual workout and adjusting each variable.
7 votes -
7 votes
Back and forward arrow
Way to go back and forward between days with an arrow when in session edit view
3 votes -
18 votes
1 vote
11 votes
Athlete 3 month view
I refer back to previous athlete workouts constantly and I strongly dislike having to click the back arrow to view a past month then clicking the forward arrow to return back to the current month. I think a scroll system would be amazing where you could just scroll back into the athletes previous months.
4 votes -
Persistent view settings in the program builder
When selecting the "Show Block Titles" and "Show Instructions" options in the program builder, these selections are not persistent between pageloads.
They reset when exiting the program builder, when refreshing the page, or when entering a workout and returning to the program view.
This pretty much defeats the purpose of these options, at least for me.
1 vote -
4 votes
1 vote
One click delete all future programming
3 votes -
Non scheduled sessions
Make sessions that do not need to be prescribed in the calendar but athletes can select when they want.
19 votes -
5 votes
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