267 results found
auto pausing or continuous time during training
I'm wondering if autopausing during a workout should be an option of choice. If I complete a very hard interval and then stop pedalling during the recovery interval the workout should just carry on rolling on through the recovery interval, not just stop and wait for me to resume pedalling. But other people would maybe prefer the workout to wait until they are ready to continue. So workout auto pause should be a selectable option perhaps.
5 votes -
Bulk copy and move capabilities
I was able to upload around 300 zwo files.
1# In the folders on my desktop of zwift I found it tedious as heck to find them so I made folders example 2022 then inside that 12 months of Jan-Dec I was unable to import like that and so I’m back to scrolling thru hundreds of workouts so that feature would be cool.
2. When I integrated those workouts into my coach side training peaks library it auto moved everything in 1 lump to my library. Looking back I could have uploaded a single one at a time then moved…3 votes -
Bot AI improvements
Hi, I've got some ideas for improvements to the bot AI, or at least observations about how it misbehaves.
In points/elimination races (in the velodrome, but I assume something similar happens elsewhere), the AI consistently begins extremely calmly, so that the first lap is basically uncontested. The entire group then ramps up power heavily for the next 2-3 laps before apparently burning all of its matches and remaining calm for most of the rest of the race. It seems to, near the end, try to contest the penultimate lap, then again just coast over the line on the last lap.…
4 votes -
Artificial Intelligence (AI) Insights • Predictive analysis: Use AI to identify training patterns and suggest personalized adjustments base
Artificial Intelligence (AI) Insights
• Predictive analysis: Use AI to identify training patterns and suggest personalized adjustments based on data like TSS, CTL, ATL, sleep, and heart rate variability (HRV).
• Automatic recommendations: Suggest rest days, intensity increases, or volume reductions based on the athlete’s readiness and historical metrics.4 votes -
Future Supported Sports - Rowing
Add Rowing to TrainingPeaks Virtual.
Circumnavigate "The Island" or add water ways through the landscape, auto-turn enabled. Wind, current, etc.. factoring into the workout.
A competitor dropped the ball on this. Would like to see someone pick it up and run with it (or "row" with it).
4 votes -
High road
High road / low road toggle issues.
I propose when riding in races and workouts etc that the high road low road option be removed and all users are guided to the same path.
Some people don't have arms reach to their device mid race or are too embroiled in the race to be reaching the keypad and clicking the mouse to take high/low road.
I was caught stranded on low road on a recent race with everyone else going high and lost our massively.3 votes -
Make it work with Wahoo Kickr Snap
I am only able to workout for 10 minutes with my Wahoo Kickr Snap before it starts saying it has lost connection. Unplugging and replugging it in does not fix the issue, nor does disconnecting the device from Bluetooth and reconnecting it. The Kickr Snap works perfectly with Zwift and MyWhoosh so I know its not the device itself
3 votes -
UCI start gate audio sound
I’m thrilled to see the virtual velodrome feature in TrainingPeaks—it’s an excellent tool for track cyclists. I’d like to propose an enhancement that would make this feature even more impactful for athletes: incorporating the UCI Start Gate Clock audio cues for standing starts.
This addition would:
1. Enhance Realism: Familiar auditory cues from UCI races would help athletes simulate race-day conditions, building confidence and muscle memory.
2. Support Specialized Training: Standing starts are a critical skill for track cyclists, and practicing with the UCI-standard countdown would allow athletes to fine-tune their timing and technique.
3. Bridge Virtual and Real-World Performance:…4 votes -
Different paced Neutralised bots for matchmaking pens
When setting up an event with matchmaking pens, and including neutralised bot, it seems impossible to get the pace bots right for each pen.
Currently, something set 180-200w will be too easy for pen1 and 280-300w is way too hard for pen4.
Unsure how to solve, just raising as an issue that needs resolving3 votes -
Braking too early?
I have a hard time understanding and gauging the braking in-game. To me it seems like the brakes are applied WAY earlier than is expected/reasonable - do other people agree?
1 vote -
A second camera view would be nice.
I like to ride with the #3 camera view which is kind of like a POV when riding in a bunch. But to check behind I have to change the camera view and then change back.
It would be cool to have the option to have second camera view in a small pain. For racing this would be great because being able to be facing forward but also be able to take quick glance back to see if anyone is coming up would be much more realistic than having to change the camera view with it animations and then change…6 votes -
Display the gap to other pacers on the same route.
I was following a pacer the other day (Cyril Citrine) and was hoping that we would catch a slower pacer so that I could back off my effort for the end of my workout.
Of course I could have just teleported (sorry Zwift word) to the Eddy Emerald group, but if I knew we were only minutes behind Eddy and would likely catch that group, I could just continue with the faster group until that happened.
The same in the other way, I usually start riding alone and if caught by a pacer group I join them but if I…5 votes -
Improve paring
I train on a FlowFitness UBi5 that is compatible with various virtual training programs, such as Zwift. TrainingPeaks Virtual recognizes this bike (as Iconsole+005) and is connected. However, after I click OK and start pedaling, the virtual bike does not move. I remain in place. What could be wrong?2 votes -
Graph choice of sizes
Perhaps I’m missing something. I would like a choice of different sizes for workout graphs when doing planned workouts , and a choice of sizes for terrain/elevation when riding routes.
4 votes -
RFI: Workout Resistance Mode "External" Detailed Description Please.
Exactly how does this work? Is there an API for this? Could an application, Xert EBS for example, tell TPv to direct the Smart trainer to modify the intensity, duration, rest interval on the fly?
2 votes -
Can invite athletes to join the event.
Event creator can invite athletes to join the event.
Athletes can set whether to receive notifications (on all notifications, off all notifications, on/off athlete notifications).
3 votes -
Make World View "Off" more like Trainer Road
I LOVE this however ... can we make it so the user can watch a movie instead of the Virtual world... more like TrainerRoad....
TrainingPeaks would capture a LOT of the TR users... jus saying
10 votes -
User interface transparency
Please reduce the transparency to a solid color when working with ALL settings boxes including the HUD when with a more solid color
The UI is too busy because its transparent. It makes the UI confusing and overwhelming hard to understand to the user, IMHO.
To resolve the issue in put this in a advanced setting group let users control this as a global setting.
By default please make this a solid color with no transparency.
2 votes -
Complete turn-off of resistance in a corner as alternate of the break feel in a corner
I propose to modify the brake feel in a corner option by completely disabling the resistance, giving the rider a choice in the setup: either increasing the resistance in the corners, or disabling the resistance in the corners. Also same option is nesessary when in a peloton you catch up more slow rider ahead and you have the both side riders and you cant move ahead may be more realistic in pov of the tactical positioning concept of TPV.
3 votes -
disable undesired cameras, camera auto mode and camera shuffle mode
I would love to see the option to disable camera perspectives that I do not like.
On long rides I would also like to have the option to have automatic camera perspective changes as well as random perspective changes.I hope the screenshot makes it crystal clear.
Thank you for considering!
Nic6 votes
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