Warmup and Cool Down Ramps Don't Match Workout Design
When a workout syncs from Training Peaks to Virtual that includes warmup and cool down blocks with power ranges, the wattages for the ramps don't match the ranges of the workout design. It seems to grab the middle of the range and give a ramp within that range.
So let's say I have a warmup with a range of like 110-230w leading into a 230w endurance block, the warmup ramp it will give me will be something like 140-190w.
It would be nice to be able to take warmup ramps smoothly up to where you're trying to settle in.
Maxim Kostrov commented
The values you set in Workout Details Editor of Training Peaks differ greatly from the values that will be suggested in TP Virtual Workout.
For example, the set values for warm-up from 80 to 230 W - in TP Virtual are converted to values from 130 to 180 W.
The zones and FTP value are synchronized between Training Peaks and TP Virtual.
At the same time, the same workout created in TrainingPacks is OK in Zwift.