Support syncing with RunKeeper and Strava
It would be helpful if Training Peaks would support sync with other social training apps like RunKeeper and Strava. It would be helpful to be able to sync directly from Training Peaks rather than having to go through a third party synchronization program like Tapiriik.

If you are using RunnKeeper or Strave to recored your workouts, we recommend using RunGap or Tapiriik to sync the data to TrainingPeaks.
Nakul commented
Dear Team,
The idea of the original post here is questioning why can't we directly sync Strava and TrainingPeaks? Why do we have to go through Wahoo or another app? All other platforms (Training Tilt, Final Surge, Garmin) are easily able to sync with Strava and TP can't.
TP needs to realize that Strava is right now the biggest platform for endurance sports and it enables coaches like me to keep track of all activities in one place, with a much simplified view. At the same time, it also allows me to keep track of non-coaching athletes.
Finally, Strava is the only app that works in low mobile data areas, which is extremely valuable for users in developing countries such as India or several other places of the world. Other apps don't come close to this aspect.
I request TP team to please re-look into this matter.
Thank you.
Best regards,
Anonymous commented
setting up training peaks now... if it can't synch to runkeeper not sure i'll keep with it.