Set Workout builder to measure by Zone
Love the new Workout builder, but would like to measure by zones. Easier to select zone than to reenter the %HR since I've already the appropriate ranges for each zone in setup.

Great suggestion. We’ve struggled with this as the workout may be created based on a zone methodology different from an athlete’s or multiple athletes’ zones. Thus Zone 2 per the workout may not map correctly to different users depending on each users’ specific zone settings. We will continue to look into this as we agree planning and execution of workouts is often based on zones – we’re just wanting to ensure if we do enable this, it’s usable for athletes with differing zone settings/methodologies. Thanks for your feedback!
Håvard Pedersen commented
BTW, this is probably locked because it's a duplicate. Search for the other submissions with the same suggestion and vote on them instead.
Håvard Pedersen commented
I was so happy to read about the Garmin integration, thinking I could plan and create workouts in TrainingPeaks and have them synced to my watch. But without zones, it's way more work than just do my planning in Garmin where I can select target zone.
Anonymous commented
Even though it is not possible to vote anymore on this functionality, I see this function as critical in using trainingpeaks for runners.
All the running coaches who use this for their runners now need to do a lot of extra work by calculating the zone ranges every time, and building a large library.You could also add it as standard building blocks which are zones from 1 to 5, which calculate automatically what percentage fits to that heart rate.
Tom Cuyt commented
I see it this way:
- at this moment: you build the workout by saying 20min between 80%-85% of your HR treshhold or treshhold pace. This is fine and works :)
- what I would like: you build the workout by saying 20min in zone 2, again specified of yout HR zones or Pace zones... that's it (no need to make it complicated)I explain: there are different ways to auto calculate your zones. Nice feature. But you can also manually set them as you like. Do you want to have 10 zones? No problem. So once you have done this then you should be able to use these zones in the workout builder. This cannot be hard to do... Now everything is calculated by percentage like 80% of HR treshold = x TSS etc... but since the zones you create are made from the same numbers the calculation remains the same.
Trainers who sell plans or whatever should always begin by defining which zones they use. Or just stick to the old system.
Why? No 2 people are the same! 2 people of the same height, the same weight, the same running background and the same record time on the 10k can react differently on the same workout.
Anyway, for me personally: sometimes I train on heart rates but most of the time on pace. It depends on the workout and more on the adaptation result of the training I want to see. So I have my own pace zones (they are well known but the numbers are personal) like 5k pace, marathon pace, ******* treshold, steady, easy, etc... I just want to be able to build a workout by using: 2k warmup, 5k easy, 10 reps of 200m @5k pace with 200m steady, 1k cooldown... this is MUCH easier then having to calculate... a pace between 3'25" and 3'40" equals euh... 91% -94% of.... and even worse... when I change my paces because I got better of because I set a different goal I have to rewrite all my workouts using that parameter... otherwise I would just redefine my zones and I'm all set...
It is so simple AND so powerful for trainingpeaks should you have this. Also for the trainers... I really don't know what is keeping you from doing this... better yet: it is just adding something because you can keep the old system too (and you should keep it!)
Hope this can really be added because for this reason alone I'm still using a spreadsheet with my training and workout plan that I can upload directly to Garmin Connect (they too prohibit you building your own trainingprogram which is just ridiculous - even from a moneymaking perspective - but that's just what I think) with a special program made by a smart user.
Mattias L commented
The zones used in the workout should be the zone ranges the user who created it has. That way it should work, right?
So if I create a workout using the standard zones I have for my LTHR, I can later share the workout and the percentages I have for my zones will be used by the other user. The only thing that could differ is that the other user has hrmax instead of lthr or something else, this ought to come up as a warning.
The zones could be used to set the %-range instead of manually inputting them. Maybe a dropdown below the inputs for exact numbers, from zone and to zone or just target zone.
So my idea is not to use the zones directly, just a way to quickly get the %-range numbers filled in the workout. The consideration from Josh seems to be to use zones directly which users have mapped differently. That would of course be an issue.
Peter Sandberg commented
Seems as the voting has been closed... I would also like to see this feature implemented, for both HR and power. Perhaps in such way that you select the desired zone, and then can change the percentage if you want to fine-tune. That would give a good start to set zones/values for a workout.
Gabriel commented
Is there any update on this? It has been considered by Training Peaks since late 2016, almost 2 years to implement this that will ease both coaches and athletes while building workouts.
Rob Atkinson commented
It would be much more user friendly to be able to set by Zone, where the workout builder translates this into a target range, based on the athlete's zone settings. This way if I set athlete's zones based on WKO4 iLevels then the workout will automatically be self tailored to each athlete's specific zone.
Are there any updates on this feature? -
Anonymous commented
any updates on this? You could get around that "which zone methodology" conundrum by offering a range of methodologies, or let the user define. Zones are in the training peaks athlete profile anyway.
Anonymous commented
Definitely the next step in ease of building workouts
Marcel Lennartz commented
I can't click the vote button somehow but this is definitely something I would like to have: create a workout based on zones. I have all my zones workout and very easy if I manually write down what my training session is going to be.
Also if I coach a group of Athletes, it is much easier to tell them that they have run i.e for 10 minutes in zones 3, etcetera. I find working with the percentages confusing.
Don Hampton commented
Can I add a request for this. At least for me, this is a big deal. I have my custom zones but then I can't use them with the workout builder.
Travis Brown commented
Totally agreed on this font.
1) Since each athlete will get the same physiological response to training in Zone 1 for example, when building a training plan this would be the ideal way to structure it. As it currently works, you may prescribe 80% HR Max, which for one athlete could be zone 1, and another zone 2.
2) Being able to suggest a zone to target for a workout, rather than a specific HR number would also be much more useful, as many athletes get confused when only a specific HR is given
3) It could even be structured the same way that the RPE is currently added, where no specific HR is given, as each athlete will know their specific HR zones.
4) Rechecking each and every workout to make sure the right ranges have been set for every athlete gets super annoying!
Thanks for the consideration! -
Bart Becquart commented
As a coach this would be a great feature for us. We define for all our athletes the same type of zones with the same rationale behind... In that way, using our pre build workouts with the new workout builder entering zone 2 or zone 3 eg. this would have the same TSS for each athlete we coach - Now we each time have to recheck the percentages since these are different for each athlete (better aerobic base versus untrained athlete ... )
John Cattrall commented
I'd +1 this as basically right now the workout builder is more confusing than anything to my athletes - and almost unusable!
When I say 15 mins zone 2, but the workout builder (using 70% of threshold for example) says zone 2 on one user, but zone 3 on another, it means I have to manually check and adjust every time I re-use the same workout.
Land Heintzberger commented
Completely agree. Much easier to just select a zone rather than enter a % of FTP or LTHR. However, I'd still like the ability to use a specific % for certain workouts.