Create a XML data stream (oData or the like) of all workout data for reporting.
There are a bunch of data analysis tools (PowerBI from Microsoft for one) that will injest xml data streams and allow some pretty amazing reporting. It would be great to be able to point other reporting tools at our data to allow for custom graphing.

Workout and metrics data can be exported to a CSV file, which can then be imported into 3rd party tools for further analysis.
To Export Data, log into your account and click on your name in the upper right corner and click on Settings. Then, click on Export Data. More information on exporting data can be found here:
Brian Kennemer commented
Yes, thanks I understand how to export data but that is a lot of work on your customers part to get at their data. Delimited files are old tech. Exposing our data as a stream is a more efficient and modern method of sharing data. Exporting files would be an acceptable solution if data changed rarely but data is being added daily and for some even more often. A live data stream would be much easier.
Also things like temperature data is not in the csv export and the csv export is just the summary data. To get the full picture of the data you need the fit files compiled into a single, excel readable format.