Power surge Counts
I would like to see a count of power surges or sudden jumps in power, like a jump from z2 to z5 or similar. As I start to gather more data from CX rides my average and normalized powers are pretty low compared to road rides but I feel like I work a lot harder, most likely from the increased number of accelerations.
I could see it being useful in the summary or it's own tab in a workout summary. It would help characterize a racing condition so that we can better train for a style of racing. We would be able to better understand how road, TT, crits, CX, XC, etc. races varies from each in an easy to understand manner. For instance, maybe a crit sees a lot z3 to z5 power surges and a cx race sees a lot of z4 to z6 power surges, road races have less surges but they are from z2 to z5, so a more drastic acceleration.

I’m declining this for TP.com, but WKO4 will have something that does this.