Ability to Choose Week Start Day
Hello, in the arabian world we start our week in Saturday however, in training peaks app/site we don't have that option only sunday&monday, however, in garmin connect we can start our week with Saturday and this is the number one reason for us as arabian coaches / atheletes why we dont use training peaks.
An engineering spike/estimate has been done on this update. There are dependencies that make the effort larger, but we do plan to prioritize this in the future. We have been working through the top requests here in Uservoice and this is absolutely one of the top ones.
David commented
Just in case it's the 95th request that makes this happen, please allow this change in the calendar!
Anonymous commented
I really want this
Gordon Haller commented
It's stupid and annoying to not have Sunday as the first day of the week. It throws me off of my other training calendars for me and my athletes. Please get off your butt and at least give us the option. It's far more important than any other belks and whistles tou might think about adding.
David S. Kemp commented
Agree that this change is needed.
Anonymous commented
Well Ben (Admin, TrainingPeaks),
If it was on your current roadmap, you might get more subscribers. Just sayin. -
Anonymous commented
Agreed, where is this update??? Might upgrade account if the calendar was more like Strava.
Arden commented
Please allow us to choose the start day of the week. All my other calendars have this choice and my display week starts with a Sunday. This is a very easy change for your developers to make.
Anonymous commented
How is it that since 2015 that this feature still has not been implemented? AGREED!!
Ron commented
How is it that since 2015 that this feature still has not been implemented?
Anonymous commented
The lack of this functionality is what has prevented me from subscribing to your premium offering, instead using competitors. I check back every few months to see if you've done it, but no luck in years. I'm sure I'm not alone in this. It would be very simple to develop this functionality.
Bootheel Cyclist commented
EVERY other calendar I use starts the week on Sun. TP is the oddball, and it is hard to reconcile with other calendars.
Sandra commented
Just in case additional feedback is helpful. It would be much appreciated to have the option to change the calendar to start either on Sun or Monday. As other users reported, given that most other calendars start on Sunday it is quite a frustration to not be able to match the training calendar the same way.
Thanks for your consideration. -
Kevin Boyett commented
TP closed the vote on this in 2015, please consider going over and commenting and voting on the following thread:
Kevin Boyett commented
This really needs to be fixed.
Definition from Merriam Webster:
Sunday: the first day of the week
Monday: the second day of the weekAlso, why have you disabled the Vote button for this?
Anonymous commented
very much needed for countries where Sunday is actually the first business day
Anonymous commented
Definitely need this to be changed. I have races on Saturdays. I have purchased training plans from Training peaks. Starting the training plan on a Sunday is what I need to race on a Saturday... however, the TSS calculations for the week are off because of the way the calendar is structured to start on a Monday. The periodization is off because of the rigid structure of the calendar. How do we get this changed?
Also, you should let you customers know that if they are buying training plans from you and have Saturday races, the training plans may not line up with your calendaring. This is a below average user experience for purchasing the App and Training Plan from the same place.
Reubs commented
Really need to change the week start. As my weekend is Sunday Monday with Tuesday being my start of week. I’m sure I’m not the only one that has a different start day of Week.
vladb101 commented
This is literally one thing stopping me from becoming a premium member
DS commented
Hi - most of your competitors have this functionality. I honestly don't see the motivation to renew my membership if you can't make such a simple modification. Allow for start of week to be Sunday OR Monday, please.
JonathanJ commented
Please give the possibility to change start of week