Better estimate of impact of Rowing Workouts
Rowing workouts should reflect actual work done & impact on fitness/form
Rowing workout 9/22:
3x20 min zone 3+ (10 min zone 3; 50 min zone 4) only computed 19 TSS / 0.42 IF.
Bike workout prior week 9/15:
2x20 Z3 on the bike - 62 TSS, 0.74 IF
At a bare minimum, the rowing workout should be 1.5x the bike effort (3 intervals vs 2); plus it was almost all Z4, so should be higher again impact.
First time I've uploaded rowing data and it appears that TP is just using wattage/effort data from the bike?

Ashley Blake commented
Training peaks partners with USRowing. As a coach, I’m trying to integrate this. However, if the load is inaccurate I cannot. A google doc will be simpler. Rowing also does not reflect accurately in the ATP