Allow specific heart rates to be entered while building workouts
In addition to being able to specifying heart rate ranges as percentages of threshold or maximum heart rate, it would be helpful to be able to specify HR range values directly.
As a motivating example, I have a heart rate zone that has an upper limit of 124 BPM. My threshold HR is currently 164. When building a workout using % of threshold HR and choosing that zone, the upper end of the range ends up being 125 BPM instead of 124 BPM because it is snapped to 76% of threshold HR. If I drop it to 75%, then the upper end of the range is 123 BPM. There's no way to get 124 without changing to building the workout using % of maximum HR instead. Fortunately the integer-based percentage math works out for me in that mode in this particular case, but there's no guarantee that it always will.
Alternatively: if it were possible to enter fractional percentages (e.g. 75.5 in the above example), I could using the existing % of threshold HR mode to achieve what I'm looking for.
Thank you for considering this request.