Data Security - Protection of athletes datas and intellectual property of coaches
Dear TP,
its getting more and more common in professional athletes that, athletes are forced by national federations or teams to share their TP account.
In a certain way its OK, to show by this way that work is done for a payed job and support.
Today there are no international rules about the data security of athletes on online platforms - and if you share the TP account with somebody - you have control on the one hand who you share with, but you dont have control if the shared person downloads your datas with and uses them in another way for self use, education, publication, etc. without your written consent.
To avoid that and protect athletes datas a function to allow or forbid to download trainig datas by a shared coach would be a good solution.
On the one hand to protect athletes datas, and on the other hand to protect trainers knowledge - becaus it gets more and more common especially by federations to steal trainers knowledge exactly in this way - becaus a complete record over a season or two three the exact philosophie how a coach works.
Would be great if you add this feature to allow or forbid data download for a "shared coach", Thx.
Fabian Neunstöcklin commented
@Pieter Timmermans
Its not only about when the collaboration ends - also during a colaboration i.e. a national federations wants to have insight as a "shared coach".
Thats the moment where the option to download all datas is open, where you never know if somebody from the federation copies files for self use, education, analyses , what ever.
Therefore it would be good, if Training Peaks offers a "only view" option for shared coaches. -
Pieter Timmermans commented
Protection of knowledge and data
As a professional coach, you have your own working method and strategy. When professional athletes come to you for advice and guidance, you obviously want to help them with that. However, you do not want your knowledge and data to be simply transferred to other coaches and teams when the collaboration ends. So there should be an option to delete all planned workouts/assignments without deleting the athlete's uploads for professional coaches.
Now we have to manually delete this every time.