Show your customers that you are listening
How about a quarterly update from development showing the top issues and customer enhancement requests that have been requested.
I feel a bit jaded when new things land that are just... shrug neat but not what I really needed. Is this what other coaches wanted/needed?
I see new features, and when they are released, im like this is neat, but is this what we needed/wanted?
Show us a chart of the most wanted changes by your customers and what the team came up with!
As always, I really appreciate TP and the team!
Mykola Bartosh commented
Great idea!
I am not part of the Training peaks, but they are implementing features after an internal discussion with the team.
Feature development costs money. It makes sense to develop features that expand new functionality and occasionally improve existing features. and probably will develop features that improve the revenue stream and new user onboardings, especially premium and coaches. So maybe your features are not in the subset of the most important as of right now. But sharing your thoughts and engaging in conversation will improve this platform for everyone!
Keep posting ideas, and look for users feeedback