Please allow weight logging in more activities
Hello, you recently emailed your users about your "strength exercise history" features, but I find that it doesn't work well, for multiple reasons.
It's not available for all exercises. (Please see my account, look at 02/15/2025. Only "Barbell bent over row" has an option for weights. The other lifts e.g. back squats, deadlifts... no weight recording option.) [screen shot]
Even when I can enter it on the phone, it does not transfer properly to the web view. (For example on this date, I recorded weights, but on the web they are not visible.) [screen shot]
When entering weights on the app, can you please copy those weights down through the remaining sets? It's silly to have to enter the same weight 3 or 4 times. (And then if I go up in one of the later sets, it should copy forward from that point)
It would also be awesome if you would automatically copy-forward the weights I used on the previous workout, or at least provide a view, rather than having to view the history and then re-enter the same weights.