More full featured strength training interface in app.
The strength training interface for the mobile app doesn't provide the metrics you normally want like reps, weight, sets while providing many that you normally aren't interested in such as duration, distance, speed, pace, etc.
As an example, Full Fitness really got this workflow right.

Try, they rock.
@CoachVitoG commented
I 110% agree with Aaron. All of my endurance athletes are injured free and strong as a bull but it sucks I can't build out a program all in one app. We are all busy professionals and seriously would be great to have this. I am willing to help you develop this within your platform. I have 20 years in this business. Meet me half way Training Peaks!!! You already kick A$$ for endurance give us the complete package!
Aaron commented
Why won't you add strength? It's really strange that you don't see it as a rounded part of endurance training?
Jonathan Moreau commented
@Darius You should follow an existing training plan in TrainHeroic - no possibility to create a custom one and follow it?
Darius commented
+1 for TrainHeroic, that site is awesome for strength training!
Craig commented
Currently I use JEFit as my mobile strength-training [planning/tracking during workout] software, Then I have to remember to add a simple workout in TP with little meaningful data (time/calories) to record the event so that I can see my overall diet/fitness profile. Kind of a pain. If Training Peaks improved in its ability to accommodate basic strength training workouts (such as what is offered in JEFit), I would finally be able to handle my nutrition, cardio, and strength in one app.