share training peaks with individuals, not "Public"
Would it be possible to share (view only) my TP data with a training buddy, (not my coach)?

Good request we’ve heard before.. having a “read only” view of training. We do have a public view, which is really just an “unlisted” way to look at someone’s training. That is, it is not found in a search engine or discoverable by other users. You can find it in the classic mode: Settings, Social&Sharing, Public Profile.
Neil Kiser commented
yes, but this is a missed opportunity for TP. Instead of giving this as a freebie: force those who wish to view the data to create TP basic accounts. Then, as part of the agreement to view an athlete's data, they must agree to receive emails announcing updates to that athlete's stream. By sending updates, these non-paying customers are now receiving regular reminders of TPs existence and value - increasing odds that they will become paying customers. Gain for athlete: proactive emails, ability to share progress with friends and family. Gain for recipient: ability to view progress of friend of family member and proactive emails when updates to athlete's stream happens (maybe even emails when so much time has passed with no activity?). Gain for TP: access to wider potential client base and the ability to send emails to these folks that are not technically marketing emails (which the recipient may have turned off) but yet serve as a marketing reminder to the target of the emails: result is an expanded target population. Just doing "Public View" does not meet much of anyone's needs (but yes, thank you for this, at least it is something).