Reduce the amount of wasted space above the calendar. On laptops this take a good portion of the screen. Full screen is not helpful in this
Reduce the amount of wasted space above the calendar. On laptops this take a good portion of the screen. Full screen is not helpful in this situation as it is important to be able to see other open application for athlete notes.
This suggestion was submitted before and marked as completed, but the Compact/Normal view does not change the amount of wasted header space only the calendar data.

c m commented
Can this be done on mobile apps as well please. A third of the landing page is my own name and picture/lack of it! I don't log into TP to confirm who I am. I would like to see the workouts planned for today and be able to scroll through the next few days (or even keep scrolling continuosly through the calendar). I also don't use the snapshot bottom third.