Workout Builder Import
add import functionality for existing .zwo files form third party (p.e.

Thank you for the suggestion!
The ability to import zwo power based bike workouts is available in your Workout Library. Select the 3 dot menu on a Workout Folder and choose Workout Import.
Please open a suggestion on the next most import imports you all would be looking for!
Libor commented
I would like Import Exercise from other sources
website etc. -
JonoTechnos commented
The ability to import an existing power profile (.fit, .gpx, etc.) from an existing outdoor ride to generate a 'real world' custom workout. At present, manually building a custom workout profile mirroring the actual noisy power data would be very time consuming – even with smoothing. This would allow me to match or train on my usual outdoor experiences while using my indoor trainer in the winter months.
Parker Kerth commented
I would like to upload workouts as a .txt or .zwo or .tcx or .csv file
Ryan Kohler commented
TrainingPeaks simply needs to allow users to import a custom workout file (e.g., .erg, .mrc, and so on) by uploading or dragging and dropping into a workout as a planned/future session.
E.g., I have a custom workout in, and rather than re-create it in TP for an athlete, I can just export from my calendar and upload in TP.
Currently it seems like the only option is to re-create the workout in TP all over again.
Ryan Kohler commented
This is absolutely critical. I am able to import workouts from multiple file types (.erg, .mrc, etc.) into a platform like, yet this is still not an option with TrainingPeaks?
Jane Dennyson commented
Ability to import a TrainerRoad training plan to the Training Peaks calendar
Jason Whelan commented
I just purchased a year of premium thinking this was already available as the workouts have an import button....
I just spend a couple hours recreating a week worth of workouts because they can't be imported. -
Rai commented
Seconding ability to import zwo to the builder, and other workout file formats, without the need for third part apps.
Rui Cesar Santos commented
In the Zwift platform there are so many workouts that import then directly to TP calendar would be great and a lot more easy to build a weekly calendar and everyday training workouts will be available on Zwift