Add Ability To Merge Multiple Workouts To Single Planned Workout
With my use of Zwift, I've occasionally had to do several rides to get the scheduled distance/time for the planned workout. There needs to be a way to merge/pair multiple rides to a single planned event via drag and drop.
Steve commented
I would make life easier if we were able to merge an activity recorded on multiple devices into a single activity. Currently I have to go into the duplicate activities and download each of them. Then upload them into the main activity. I do this because not all sources have all the data. With them combined I get to see everything in one view. Example is my ride on Zwift (for virtual distance and elevation), Wahoo Bold (dual sided power) and Garmin watch (backup).
Ben commented
Be able to merge activities through drag and drop like merging activity with a planned workout would make things much easier.
Zika Peric commented
+1 for this. Especially for bike workouts, sometimes one can just do several of them in one go...