Ability to Choose Week Start Day
Hello, in the arabian world we start our week in Saturday however, in training peaks app/site we don't have that option only sunday&monday, however, in garmin connect we can start our week with Saturday and this is the number one reason for us as arabian coaches / atheletes why we dont use training peaks.
An engineering spike/estimate has been done on this update. There are dependencies that make the effort larger, but we do plan to prioritize this in the future. We have been working through the top requests here in Uservoice and this is absolutely one of the top ones.
Glenn Kupsch commented
Seems like a very basic ask. I agree with this request. I don't know anybody who is used to seeing Monday as the first day of any calendar.
Chen Rabi commented
Would be very useful if you could change the calendar week to start on Sunday.
Scott commented
It didn't take me long to dismiss and move on from TP almost immediately after I signed up and learned that I couldn't change the calendar day of the week to start on Sunday, like every other calendar I use.
Nils Dahl commented
BUMP... every other calendar in my life starts on Sunday.
Anonymous commented
Echo, need this to be implemented, pain in the you know what to have calendars mismatched on first day. Please make it selectable.
CeeCee commented
I highly recommend this being considered thoughtfully and applied. This is literally the only calendar I use that starts the week on Monday. It should be fairly simple programming to allow the user to select their chosen first day of the week and makes it so much more fluid and easy to coordinate with other calendars.
Jeff commented
Seriously... I'm a programmer this is a weekend's worth of work. Add this
Chris commented
Can't believe this is not an option - ridiculous
Brian commented
Cant believe this is not an option in 2021...
Ana commented
Agree - this is such an easy change. For me, this is important from a training perspective as I am a physician who often works weekends. As such, it's helpful for me to split up the weekends I do have off into two different week blocks. I'm honestly not sure a premium membership will be worth it for me if you all can't accommodate such a basic calendar/layout option.
Anonymous commented
I think this would be very helpful for me and others. It seems simple. Why not do it? It can't be that complicated to make this an option..
Nicolas commented
Please do more than consider this change, it seems like a very easy addition that would please a lot of your consumers!
Sasha commented
Please consider this change, I too have a hard time lining up calendars when they are miss-matched!
Ben Eyckmans commented
It would greatly help for making a much experience with the shifts I work.
Marisa commented
Wow, guess I'm not the only one who would appreciate this change! I'm starting a new training program next week and I only just realized that it actually starts on Monday, not Sunday. My planner that I use for work and life starts on Sunday and that's how my brain works I guess. It would make it so much easier for me to use your website if we could optimize the calendar in the way that works best for us individually.
There are already so many ways to customize the layout settings that I was surprised this was not an option already. I was planning on getting premium after my trial is up but now am not so sure, seeing all these comments over the course of several years...It seems like the workouts should be the hardest thing, not scheduling them.
Loonican commented
I am shocked to find out after 140 comments since Feb. 21, 2015 and now "the future" six years later, Feb. 2021, nothing has been down yet. Even "CONSIDERED" is the tab that this has been labeled, which is past tense. So from what I can gather they are not even present tense - considering. I actually went through and read all 140 comments. This whole forum starts out with a question, How can we improve TrainingPeaks? What do you mean by that question? To what purpose? and to what end? Do you really mean it? Because from what I can gather by this string of comments alone the customer is not being heard, but in stead you have closed your eyes and turned away your ears and hardened your heart to their voice. Come now let us reason together - As I have read them, I have heard the voice of reasonable, the voice of simplicity, the voice of common sense, the voice of variety, the voice of the world gold standard, the voice of tradition, the voice of religion, the voice of race, the voice of culture, the voice of logic, the voice of liberty, the voice of business (profit for you), the voice of majority (many other platforms have it), the voice of convenience, the voice or continuity (applying training-plans and using cross platforms). the voice of frustration, anger and even threat (if you don't change then we drop you). I personally do not think that we as customers (paying or non-paying) should get everything that we stomp our pink little feet on, also "you can NOT please everybody", I also believe "keep the big things in the big thing pile and the little things in the little things pile." Therefore, I would not threaten you, knowing that TrainingPeaks is a very valuable and helpful tool for me and will continue to be. BUT, little things do matter and they can turn into big things. Little things tell and show your customers you do really care. Ask any wife who had a husband who did NOT forget their wedding anniversary. If he did forget that little thing to him, it turns into a big thing for her and in turn a big thing for him and it's his loss! I am not sure if this nobody can make a difference in what seems to be a hopeless cause but I am reminded that whether they will hear or whether they will forbear that they may know that a voice has been given. I am going to try to appeal to you through another man's voice since I think it would have more of an impact on you than mine. It is the voice of Eric Liddell, you know him as the "Chariots of Fire" inspiration and gold olympic medalist. But I know him as a God fearing man and who believed himself to be created by God for His pleasure, not his own. Many say it was his personal conviction to not run on Sunday and that may be true in and of itself but I believe it went much deeper than that, you see it was a principal that he believed from the Bible. Now don't get all nervous and defensive ... it's a simple fact that Eric believed in and thus played out in his life and I am going to explain it to and you will see how this relates very much to this topic on this forum. Eric believed a book, called the Holy Bible, he believed it to be God's words to him and not man's. In Genesis the first book of that Bible Eric believed God'd first day of creation was Sunday, the first day, SUNday God said let there be LIGHT, he then believed that after six days of work God rested from His work on the seventh day, which would be Saturday. It just so happens FRIday then SATurday is spelled that way - when a man is “FRIed" from his work he sits down and rests. Eric also believed the scriptures about Jesus, the Son of God, rising (like the Sun) from the dead on the first day of the week - SUNday, which again is after the jewish sabbath day rest which is Friday 6pm evening to Saturday 6pm evening. Eric also believed what Jesus said about himself, "I am the Light of the world". You see the pattern that was set by Eric's God, Saviour, and Creator you then would understand why Sunday was the first day of the week to Eric; but it does not end there Eric feared God more than man, so when God said in the first of the ten commandments, "Thou shalt have nor other gods before me" and that in the new testament he was commanded to give God preeminence (first place) in all things. So that is why Eric Liddell would not run on Sunday, and if he ran the race on Sunday he felt deeply that he would not be giving God first place and in turn putting sports before God which would then in turn make sports his "god". Now I hope you can see where I am going with all this, Sunday has since the beginning of time been the first day of the week and the God who created you and gives you all things richly to enjoy set the pattern and principal to live by. No one is telling you that you have to change everything, just be considerate and show them you really do care and give your customers the ability to choose whatever day of week they want to set their week by, including Eric Liddell if he were here today.
Anonymous commented
Upvote! (The buttons doesn't work)
Rudolf Amersfoort commented
Upvote! (The buttons doesn't work)
Anonymous commented
Another vote for this option (six years and 138 comments later)
Anonymous commented
Is this update happening?