Training Peaks Bug: Workout goals are populated in wrong FIT File fields.
The Garmin Edge 1040 Series supports showing primary and secondary targets on the workout screen. (,
Several of my recent workouts have both power and cadence targets. However, the 1040 is only displaying the power target.
As an experiment, I downloaded a workout in FIT format. I examined the FIT file using this tool: . I noticed that TP is using the custom target fields of the workout step message to indicate the power range.
I then created a workout in Garmin Connect Web that had both a primary and secondary target. Garmin is placing the using the secondary target type field of the workout step for the secondary goal.
Can you update your FIT export to Garmin to populate the secondary target type and associated secondary target fields in the workout step record?
Garmin Product Team: For more details see incident # 469564 in your support tracking system.

Shipped! 🚢
Adam Owczarski commented
Thanks for update, Nick!
Great news.
Just checked - indeed working. Thanks a lot!
Hey everyone,
Great news! The issue with missing cadence targets on Garmin Edge X40 series devices has been fixed. No more Post-Its needed. 🎉
We've worked hard to get this update out and would love for you to give it a spin. Your feedback is essential to us, so please let us know how it goes.
Thank you for your patience and for sticking with us. Ride on!
Nick -
Hey everyone, I very much understand the frustration - my coach also programs workouts with cadence targets and I have to write them down on Post-It. It's definitely not delightful.
This work is now in my team's queue. I expect an update within the new few weeks to add support for cadence targets within structured cycling workouts on Garmin Edge X40 series devices.
(Edited by admin) -
Jonathan Lynch commented
Nick, any update on this? its now the number 3 top item in this customer feedback forum. Trainingpeaks are under estimating the anger and frustration in the cycling coaching community that secondary targets are not yet supported by trainingpeaks for garmin devices.
Maciej Wielgus commented
to TP team - could you please specify the target date for the fix?
Adam Owczarski commented
I can't really understand why this is not fixed yet. I changed recently from Wahoo to Garmin and was so surprised that secondary targets from TP are not visible in Garming. It's really ridiculous.
After some investigation from different posts on different forums it seems that it’s on TP side.
I think it’s embarrassing for TP not to taking care about this at all being one of the most popular training platforms.
Jonathan Lynch commented
An example of the secondary target fields set to for cadence by garmin connect.
secondary_custom_target_value_highas was pointed out in the garmin forum, secondary targets were introduced in FIT SDK build 21.89.
Jonathan Lynch commented
Hi Marc, good work on raising this issue. It's a major bug/missing functionality on trainingpeaks part. (the secondary targets is available on the Garmin edge 1040 for over 13 months now). And its available on edge 540/840/ forerunner 955/965 also -
I get a workout and can't see what cadence I should be doing it at - which is a major part of the workout.Also the fact that I can't modify the workout in garmin connect (due to whatever restrictions training peaks put on these workouts) makes it even worse.
I have to resort to writing the secondary target down or trying to memorise it).
It defeats the whole purpose of trainingpeaks being able to sync these workouts to a garmin device.I am on the platform just 1 week with my coach and it makes me want to go back to building workouts ourselves manually in garmin connect and using golden cheetah.
I upgraded to the garmin edge 1040 specifically for the secondary targets feature for workouts.
I see this issue is open for 5 months now and hasnt had much interaction from any trainingpeaks representatives. I contacted customer support and they displayed a lackadaisical approach to this issue. There would be much more comments here on this issue if people knew where to log them. I will publish the link on dcrainmaker and gplama forums/reviews pages as I'm sure we are not the only ones annoyed with this.
Matt Lechowicz commented
Good detective work Marc. Seems like an easy fix. Sure would like to be able to have this working.