Chronological order of Strenght Workout Builder in Calendar
It would be helpful if the new strength workout builder could also be ordered in the calendar view. For example now it is always set before a cycling workout and I cannot switch it with the cycling workout, so that it is set afterwards (as it was possible with the old builder).

Nicole Plana commented
Is there an ETA for this functionality? I like the new WO builder, but it's pretty disappointing to launch a new feature without all the same functionality as the previous one.
Maybe a note should be added in the selection window? I'd prefer to have know so I didn't keep building in the new WO builder.
Billy Beasley commented
The strength workouts created with the new tool, they default to the first workout of the day, instead of being able to set the order after endurance workouts. Strength workouts created with the old tool, the order is still athelete/coach selectable. Please allow the strength workouts create with the new tool to not be forced as the first workout of the day.