Can we please have the MOXY data show up in the TP Graph
It would be great to see the Moxy Saturation Data in the Chart and Lap detail! It is in the fit file detail and we can rig it in a scatter chart "sometimes" but this is not as useful as being able to see the detail in an interval/lap against power, HR etc.

Robert Budde commented
Moving then SmO2 analysis from the XY plot to the normal speed/cadence/HR/power plot would be the icing on the cake - I understand that XY plot might be helpful, but honestly I miss SmO2 much more than temperature, elevation or other stuff that is available in the normal plot...
Integration of SmO2 (Moxy) was great in the UI of TP Virtual - but is only half-way. Next please include it in the FIT file so it does not need a Garmin/Wahoo recording in parallel.
Thank you!