Strength programming improvements
Strength Programming (intensity: %RM, VBT, RIR, set/reps) & Workout Library
-Can we have the option to set SI units by default when programming S&C?
-Can we have the option to prescribe/record VTB data in the add parameter column (Power, Velocity, Peak Velocity)?
- Can we program with RIR (reps in reserse) and % of 1/3/5 RM?
-Would like to be able to prescribe exercises in supersets as per the example below: A1) 3x5 A2) 3x8 A3) 2x20s
Currently, if one exercise has X number of sets, then all the exercises have the same number of sets.
- Ability to create subfolders in the workout library.
Félix Dieu
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