Workout duplicates, triplicates, etc
The new syncing tools (ex. Garmin AutoSync or tapiriik) are very handy for athletes. However they have introduced a new problem. Athletes without the necessary attention or guidance just activate everything from different platforms and the same workouts just start syncing without checking if that file is already at TP. The end result: duplicates, triplicates, etc. As a coach I would like to have a tool where duplicates, triplicates, etc would be detected and offered a solution to fix it. Thanks.

James Eastwood commented
Adding my support to recognise and remove duplicates. I have an activity come from both TrainingPeaks Virtual and Garmin, and this is not preventable on the app side. I have to manually delete the duplicate. It should be simple to recognise duplicates and prevent them by the timestamps.
Jonathan Greene commented
Found this from a Google search ... seeing quite a few duplicate workouts coming from Whoop vs my cycling headunit and no way to easily find and kill them all at once. Be great to have a way to search and kill. How is this not possible?
stekam69 commented
Anonymous commented
I've got the same problem. My solution: I search for .fit - files with "#2" in the name in the subdirectory of my athletic data and delete all these files. Thats it.
I know, it is a problematic workaround. An implemented function in WKO to determine and delete duplicates should be useful for users who paid money for a training management software ;-)
Ali Rana commented
Is there any chance this will ever get in? Almost 4 years gone and data duplication can't be fixed!
Dan commented
still seeing this problem, three years on... :-(
Anonymous commented
Is it possible to check start time of the activitet and the lenght.
If activitet have a overlab the ask with one to keep?That will help alot
Sam commented
Yes! This happened to me. Duplicate prevention is necessary and/or better data manupulation tools such as search for all "other" activities and delete. Thanks!
Fernando commented
As a multiple fitness device user, I'm finding constant duplicates in my TP workout log. I currently use a Garmin Fenix and a Garmin Edge, and both auto sync via Garmin Connect. I always record my cycling workouts on both devices (backup, Garmins are temperamental), and I then have to manually delete all duplicates. Would be nice to have TP autodetect them (as Strava does)
Dan commented
Detect the upload of duplicate activity files via manual upload, garmin connect or any other means of uploading. I had previously uploaded all of my activity files via the web console and have just connected training peaks with garmin connect. The result is duplicate activities for the last 12 months which I now have to go through and delete individually.