seria otimo ter uma opcao em Portugues Brasil

At this time there are no plans to translate the TrainingPeaks products into Portuguese.
Jefferson Rocha commented
Ótimo app
Marcus V. Alves Correa commented
Hello friends, so a suggestion. The Peaks Training is not popular in Brazil simply because it does not have a Portuguese language. And it seems to me such an irrational investment for a company to do this, so simple and worse investment compared to an avalanche of money that you are gaining in Brazil with its thousands of user athletes. Strava, Garmin Connect, Tom Tom, etc got it! In Brazil dominates a platform of training called trains with the best trainers of Brazil there is called plataforna Treinus. Https:// with 1600 coaches and 50,000 athletes at their base. I would use the training peaks and see it popular around here. For this it is simple to hire a translator!