139 results found
7 votes
Show multiple programs at once for different athletes!!
I love train heroic! My only issue is that multiple athletes on different programs cannot log data at once on an ipad. These athletes are on different teams and train in a private facility with an ipad at each rack. I had to transition to teambuildr because it had this feature. The app is not nearly as good. Can you please create a weight room view where 4 athletes can enter data on the same ipad screen?
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3 votes
Quick Edit Function from the Calendar View
The ability to edit sessions from the calendar view rather than having to go into each individual session to make small edits to sets, reps, weight, etc.
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20 votes
38 votes
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41 votes
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12 votes
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3 votes
36 votes
Flexibility to move program start date without losing workouts
I am a customer of someone who created a program and uses Train Heroic for their delivery method. I got sick during the first few weeks of my program, and was told to move the start date. When I did this however, data from my program was lost, which resulted in lost workouts. This is incredibly frustrating as someone who paid for this program and cannot get the information back. There is nothing Train Heroic is doing to further assist me or correct this.
3 votes -
Relocate weeks of training
Reorganize training calendar.
Right now if one trainee needs to skip a few weeks of training (pretty common cause of ilness or other issues) there is no option to relocate all pubished training sesions at once.
I think it could be very helpful to have an option to move one week or group of weeks of training to a later date.
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14 votes
5 votes
- Don't see your idea?