139 results found
Progressions of Exercises
Quickly adjust volume of exercises over time.
18 votes -
Add Km to Road Cycling
The athlete lives in Europe and she is adding her cycling to her Training Calendar. There is no option for Km.
1 vote -
12 votes
3 votes
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2 votes
7 votes
6 votes
5 votes
13 votes
4 votes
Programming efficiency tools for 1:1 coaches
Hey there - I wanted to share a suggestion that would be super useful. I am planning a new training cycle for a client, and I want to do quick review of her metrics/benchmark exercises. It'd be great to be able to filter that down to the 20-30 exercises that we look at over the course of the year instead of our entire exercise library. That, and if there was a way to show her compliance on this screen - that would be super helpful for me to determine which clients need support/a personal reach out. Thank you!
9 votes -
Shift Programming
Be able to quickly shift planned sessions on the calendar.
13 votes -
Library Organization
Add foldering and better search/filter options.
12 votes -
Improve Calendar Navigation
Jumping from one month to another causes workflow slowdowns.
12 votes -
1 vote
Persistent view settings in the program builder
When selecting the "Show Block Titles" and "Show Instructions" options in the program builder, these selections are not persistent between pageloads.
They reset when exiting the program builder, when refreshing the page, or when entering a workout and returning to the program view.
This pretty much defeats the purpose of these options, at least for me.
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1 vote
On Teams Training Sessions add comments for specific Athlete
On published sessions on the Teams Calendar, add comments to specific Athletes that make part of the team.
1 vote -
8 votes
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