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TrainingPeaks Customer Feedback



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155 results found

  1. I've noticed that's it's not possible to hide notes in a dynamic plan. Could this feature be turned on please? It would greatly help with programming and saves me time having to then go into individual calendars and hide the note until I'm ready for it to be visible.

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  2. Strength workouts should be included in your weekly snapshot, it’s supposed to show your “weekly snapshot” so why would a strength workout not be part of that?
    They were a few weeks ago, seems silly to void them now as it makes is difficult to see what work we have done each day without looking over everything.

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  3. Dear TrainingPeaks Team,

    As a coach, I see a growing need for a holistic approach to coaching, where not only training data but also lifestyle factors such as HRV, resting heart rate, and sleep play a crucial role. Polar provides valuable insights in this area, and it would be incredibly beneficial if TrainingPeaks could integrate this data directly into the platform.

    Currently, TrainingPeaks already supports data from Garmin and Whoop, which is a great step towards providing a complete picture of an athlete or client. As an organization, we aim to use data carriers and wearables independently of specific brands,…

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  4. Very often weights or a machine are being used and we need to swap the planned exercise for something similar. Like the BB bench is busy, so we can do DB bench press instead. Or we want to add something we didn't program previously.

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  5. As other coaches have mentioned here, it would be great if we could prescribe strength training based on percentages of 1RM.

    In addition, something very simple and essential is the addition of a field for interval time between sets, which could contain a timer for the athlete to keep track of. As already seen in other apps.

    Also, as I have seen mentioned here, a field for linking sets of the same block, such as A1 + A2 in a "super set" and A3 separately, but in the same block.

    In the "reps" field, it would be interesting to have…

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  6. Is there a chance that we can get a daily calorie intake in Matrics? Or is it possible to integrate calorie consumption based on the zones or heart rate zones using laboratory diagnostics, as other platforms already do? It would also be helpful if you had food options in each workout - in short, you need to consume 50 g of carbohydrates per hour today

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  7. Please make it easier for us coaches that have athletes swimming in both meter/yard pools.

    It feels redundant needing to manually change to meters/yards on each interval or set. Can't there be an easy solution that can automatically switch the workout to one or the other?

    Sure, I can have multiple folders, but that duplicates the work I need to do and also clutters my library

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  8. When entering a race into an athlete’s calendar, show the number of weeks left before the race in the Annual Training Plan info block on the weekly schedule

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  9. I would like to suggest adding the ability to set start and end dates for dynamic training plans, with an option for plans to remain ongoing if needed.

    This feature would be especially helpful for scenarios where athletes transition between dynamic plans. For example, I often have athletes training for one event, such as an Olympic triathlon, who then move to a different plan, like training for a 70.3. Currently, when I remove the Olympic plan from their account, all uncompleted workouts are lost.

    Additionally, it would be helpful to set a future start date for a new plan. For…

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  10. Create a Offline mode that caches 4+ weeks of programming for each athlete, so that if TrainingPeaks becomes unavailable, we can still work and athletes can still see workouts. When the TP servers come back on line, everything is synched.
    Sorta like Google Docs

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  11. Sync with sugarwod

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  12. workout planning system. It would be extremely beneficial to have the ability to:

    • Copy and paste specific workout sections within the same workout plan for easy replication of similar training blocks
    • Save specific workout sections as templates for future use in new workout plans
    • Create a library of saved workout templates that can be easily accessed and inserted into new programs

    This functionality would significantly streamline the workout planning process and save time when creating new training programs that share similar elements.

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  13. Strength Programming (intensity: %RM, VBT, RIR, set/reps) & Workout Library

    -Can we have the option to set SI units by default when programming S&C?

    -Can we have the option to prescribe/record VTB data in the add parameter column (Power, Velocity, Peak Velocity)?

    • Can we program with RIR (reps in reserse) and % of 1/3/5 RM?

    -Would like to be able to prescribe exercises in supersets as per the example below: A1) 3x5 A2) 3x8 A3) 2x20s
    Currently, if one exercise has X number of sets, then all the exercises have the same number of sets.

    • Ability to create subfolders in…
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  14. See attached pic illustrating my idea

    On the TP Home Page that shows all athletes ...

    Current functionality only displays one week of future programming /training.

    This is insufficient for multi-week training management.
    Request extending the future view to two or three weeks to facilitate better planning, scheduling, and alignment with coaching objectives.

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  15. The new strength builder is great; however, I'm limited to exercises utilizing the existing "movement + video + parameters" format. Oftentimes, I like to have athletes finish a strength session with some sort of circuit (AMRAP, EMOM, etc etc). In the past, I'd just use text to explain this to them but I'm finding that the new builder doesn't allow for me to build a simple text box into the session. Having that as an option would be HUGE.

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  16. When you hover over metrics and move the cursor, the metrics that pop up do not go away and it is irritating as you need to refresh to get it away. Please fix this issue.

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  17. Would be grat to have the possibility to save workout strength superset, circuits and warmups to be re used anding when planing new strength

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  18. I would like to have the ability to repeat Single Steps in Workout builder (Swimming)

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  19. Ability to program strength workouts with Reps in Reserve as a parameter. RIR is much more useful than reps or RPE to control for intensity within strength workouts.

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  20. It would be great if you could only display one week of training at a time for athletes, without the need to manually hide future workouts.

    So input 12 weeks of training but athlete gets drip fed their programme on a weekly basis.

    I like to programme weeks in advance and make small adjustments as necessary. This would be really handy

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