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TrainingPeaks Customer Feedback



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203 results found

  1. Custom Field Creation: Enable users to create custom fields in their activity logs. These fields would be specifically designed to record ******* levels at different heart rates. This customization allows for more precise tracking of an athlete's physiological responses to training.

    Data Input Options: Athletes or coaches can manually input ******* levels, measured through blood ******* testing during or after workouts, alongside the corresponding heart rate at the time of the test.

    Graphical Data Representation: Integrate these custom fields into the platform's existing data visualization tools. For instance, a graph could plot heart rate (BPM) against ******* levels over time,…

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  2. Add AWC/W' graphic.
    I think that it's an important thing to add in metrics and in the graph to better analized races and trainings

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  3. Allow users the option to receive pace and HR alerts during structured workouts instead of automatically imposing them on us. They can be helpful but they can also interfere with how we have our watch set up. It seems like they happen when you're trying to read a different data field. Add a selectable option in the workout summary/builder screens to toggle them on/off as desired.

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  4. It would be nice to have the top 20 of records not only in absulte watt but also in w/kg. So it’s easy to see how your w/kg records are.

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  5. It would be great if you could go back in time and look at your fatigue, fitness and form from past races.

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  6. Please add longer standard durations for Peaks. Currently the max duration for measuring power or HR is 90 minutes. However, many fitness events, for example Gravel cycling or running marathons, last much longer than 90 minutes. Being able to measure performance over longer durations than 90 minutes is a key requirement, in training for events such as these.
    There are other Ideas for the ability to define custom durations. That would be very good, but would also take quite a bit of developer time to implement since it’s a more complex function. As a short term, easier-to-implement enhancement, please just…

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  7. Add max heart rate per activity to data export.

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  8. Is there any possibility to make the window of "laps and splits" bigger? Not everyone has a large monitor. It's not easy to check all laps there. I always have to check on Garmin Connect (if i have the connection).
    Would be great !!


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  9. Blood Glucose readings are only available as a metric currently. Please add support for continuous Blood Glucose readings during a workout, in the same way that Power, Torque, Cadence, Speed and Elevation are supported. Not just on the Scatter Graph, but on the main Graph please.

    Both professional cycling teams and amateurs are now using CGM (Continuous Glucose Monitoring) for training, recovery and fuelling analysis. Now is the time to start supporting this data in Training Peaks., as other providers are getting onboard.

    SuperSapiens ( support export of a glucose CSV file. I have attached one so that…

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  10. When I view run cadence in the laps view, it is completely wrong and not matching the actual recorded data.
    E.g., when doing sprints (high cadence of ~190) it shows low cadence of just over 100. The. When walking (low cadence) it shows high cadence.
    Not sure what is going on here.
    During the run and in the Apple app it displays the correct cadence, it’s like the training peaks app just reads it completely wrong for some reason.
    I use an Apple Ultra 2 watch.

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  11. Can you PLEASE have it so that workouts include planned work (kj) and planned calories (kcal) provided in the plans?

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  12. My swim workouts no longer show the actual continuous distances I have swum during a workout under the “Laps & Splits” display but rather show my entire workout in many 25 yard increments.

    TP says this is because of how the data is received from Apple in the “fit” file. But Apple says they have not made any changes and/or that you (TP) should contact Apple through the developer channels to discuss with them.

    Regardless of where the issue lies, something changed (for me) around 10/3 and continues to happen now. Before that date, I could "analyze" my swim workouts…

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  13. Hey Leute!

    Derzeit ärgere ich mich täglich über die EF - Kalkulation bei Läufen.
    Stelle ich bei TSS auf rTSS ein, dann wird mir bei meiner Athletin Malin Ehlers ein EF von 0.02 bei einer NGP von 04:44 min/km und einer Herzfrequenz von 159 errechnet. Was soll denn da die Grundlage sein?
    Stelle ich auf TSS um, dann wird der TSS viel zu hoch berechnet für eine Einheit von 46:52 Minuten ein TSS von 131. Das ist überhaupt nicht möglich!! Zudem wird dann ein EF-Wert von 1.97 errechnet, weil wahrscheinlich die fiktiv errechneten Wattwerte von 314 als Grundlage genommen werden.…

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  14. It would be useful to include 3 minutes (anaerobic TH) on the peak Heart rate chart and 20km,25km and 35km on the Peak Pace Chart.(Marathon training)

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  15. For both mobile and desktop:
    Need to be able to view average stride length from run history and also be able to do so BY LAP so that user may see efficiencies / differences in stride length between laps (hard or easy).

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  16. There appears to be a fault in the data and presentation pulled from set group training programmes into an individual athletes plan. The athlete is presented with a % of threshold to complete a section of a training session but there is a drop down box that doesn't always correlate to the prescribed % of threshold. I am not sure if the TSS is therefore being calculated as well as this being confusing for the athlete

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  17. In user settings allow coaches (and athletes) with appropriate warnings to set a starting CTL and ATL, ideally per sport, that will be used for athletes that are unable/unwilling to import their previous 42 days of workouts. As an experienced coach I can take a reasonable guess from an athlete's first week of training combined with an interview or 'stalking' on a certain sports social media app.

    I realise the PMC has this, but if you set the PMC start ATL/CTL in coach dashboard it applies the same values to every athlete.

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  18. I need to be able to do group export (csv).

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  19. 5 votes

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  20. not currently an active feature for the planned portion of the workout. Can be so helpful if it was possible for the trail runners and coaches!

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