203 results found
Possibility to custom graphs
Customized graphs are needed in general, but specifically, as an exercise physiologist, I would like to have the possibility to compare training sessions of an athlete, and different athletes that complete the same session.
21 votes -
New Strength Workout builder needs TSS
I don't see where the new strength workout includes TSS or IF for a completed workout. And it also seems that the auto sync for Apple and for Garmin doesn't pair either. Strength workouts add stress so they should have a TSS!
64 votes -
Make graphs more... S-E-X-Y?
There's gotta be a way to make these thangs look better. I feel like I'm looking at microsoft excel graphs from the 90's.
40 votes -
Add history and graphs for strength workouts too
New strength builder is a good step in right direction. However, basically every gym app has section for history/analytics where a user can easily check progression and different kind of graphs. We need that too.
Also, it is a very easy task to look a few popular gym apps like Strong and see how history/analytics has been done. And what other features they have... ;)
31 votes -
Strength workout flaws
I just started using the newly built Strength option, and I have a few things which do bother me. Firstly, in the option where I can input my weights for a specific exercise, I cannot use decimal points, so there is no way for me to input for example 17.5kg, I tried it with pounds too, but there it is forbidden too. Secondly, If I start the Strength training in the application it starts the timer and when I end it it end, and at the end I get the time of my workout, this would be a good option…
5 votes -
With TP's new strength builder, strength no longer contributes to the fitness summary chart in the dashboard or to hours on the ATP.
With TP's new strength builder, strength no longer contributes to the fitness summary chart in the dashboard or to hours on the ATP. I'd love to see this feature adjusted to reflect the work athletes put in.
10 votes -
Lap Analysis - Distribution Chart for power, Heart rate etc. in each lap
Would it be possible add the funktion for lap analysis?
The distribution of power, heartrate etc. in the zones are availabel only for the complete workout.
It would be great to have the possibility analyse the distributon of power, HR, etc. graphically in each lap or selection.
If the athlete have some interval of for example 10 or 40 Minutes and I see only the minimum/maximum and average, it brings not complete picture of the intervalquality.
See on the picture - this Chart would be great for each lap or selection.10 votes -
Allow Configuration of Specific Metric Providers
The current metrics system takes everything it can get from all linked applications, even when there is overlap. For example, I have Garmin connected to sync rides from my Edge and weight from my scale. I also have hrv4training connected to sync morning HRV and resting HR. When I go for a ride, Garmin sends my lowest HR to TP as "resting" HR, giving me two values for resting HR (one from each provider).
On the old metrics system, it was simple enough (although annoying) to delete the Garmin HR card. A better solution IMO would be to allow configuration…
3 votesThanks for the suggestion!
Deleting individual device metrics is rolling out now. The ability to choose your default device for specific metrics, like RHR, coming soon!
Weighted HR chart
For polarized and pyramidal training appoaches, it would be helpful to have a stacked chart option for zone 1&2, zone 3, and zone 4&5. Alternatively, being able to export chart data, or custom combine zones would be a helpful analysis addition to the existing stacked time in zones chart.
2 votes -
Add the option to create a custom metric
Currently when tracking metrics for athletes or oneself, you must choose from a preset selection of options, which obviously does not include every possible concern. When coaching athletes with less common concerns, it would be very useful to be able to add a custom metric so that one could track that specific symptom without having to write a note about it each time. One example of this would be migraine headache. Another would be an athlete with intermittent chronotropic incompetence, or HR issues related to intermittent beta blocker usage, for example for arrhythmia or performance anxiety. Adding every foreseeable medical…
4 votes -
Can we please have the MOXY data show up in the TP Graph
It would be great to see the Moxy Saturation Data in the Chart and Lap detail! It is in the fit file detail and we can rig it in a scatter chart "sometimes" but this is not as useful as being able to see the detail in an interval/lap against power, HR etc.
Thanks6 votes -
Analyse one month with the same month last year
To make a good analyse you need to be able to compare one month to the same month the previous year. Could you please expand for example the Fitness History so it's possible to see more than just one year back in time?
Thank you.4 votes -
Search for events by name, description, and/or date
Would be nice for events both past and future to be searchable by their name and/or description.
10 votes -
Weekly Report Generation across a group of athletes for various metrics
It would be great if you could facilitate Weekly Report Generation across a group or groups of athletes.
To think of just a few useful metrics one could include:
TSS, duration, total distance and elevation, AP/NP, Pmax, longest ride highest EF or IF perhaps
The reports could be done monthly, annually or date ranged perhaps for even greater functionality.this tool would be great a coach's own group of athletes to foster community/share learning
it also the offers a springboard to share such data in the form of leaderboards across the whole TP community (possibly)...
Is such a tool available…
7 votes -
Individual metrics
Individual metrics like ftp, vo2max, vlamax from diagnostic data to document atheltets performace development over time and with grafics in the dashboard.
7 votes -
******* addon
Get optional, to add ******* data on you workout. Maybe, even integration to pull out data from ******* pro or scout
1 vote -
Feature Suggestion: Bulk Edit Workout Data for Greater Flexibility
I’d love to see a bulk-edit feature for workouts, especially useful for runners like me who switch to treadmill training in winter. Currently, my Garmin Watch records inaccurate pace data on the treadmill, even with calibration, which only adjusts the average pace. This results in skewed metrics like TSS and Peak Performance.
When I program interval training in TrainingPeaks, each segment is recorded as a separate lap. To correct the data, I'd like the option to manually enter a single pace value for each lap, rather than editing every second of data individually. This would save significant time and ensure…
7 votes -
I have a proposed enhancement for workout analysis. I'd like to be able to set a power threshold
I have a proposed enhancement for workout analysis. I'd like to be able to set a power threshold using a vertical slider alongside the analysis graph. The graph would highlight each time my power was above this threshold showing the length of time I was above it. This would help me analyse multiple efforts during the same ride e.g. sprint intervals or 30s efforts above FTP. The tool could work in exactly the same way with heart rate.
6 votes -
Have last 42 days (and last 42 and next 7) as one of the timescale for the PMC
Hi TP. have you considered having last 42 days (and last 42 + next 7) as one (2) of the timescale options on the performance management chart. as CTL is the average TSS over the last 42 day it would be useful to look at so you can see quickly what TSS is about to drop out of the 42 day window (you already have last 28 days and last month which are so close that maybe you could drop one of them).
1 vote -
The dashboard needs a pie chart for power or heart rate
On the dashboard I would like to see something similar to the "Time in heart rate zones" chart but as a pie chart showing % of time spent in each zone over the selected time. This would look something like the "Fitness summary" chart but for heart rate. The same thing for "Time in power zone" or "Time in speed zone" would also be very useful. Basically, a way to see if I am in sticking to 80/20 at a glance.
3 votes
- Don't see your idea?