218 results found
Track FTP over time in Training Peaks, as a metric.
Track FTP over time in Training Peaks, as a metric.
244 votes -
Add the ability to compare workouts side by side
It would be nice to compare all parameters side by side for similar workouts. For example, being able to compare 2-4 RT1 workouts from training plan. Or being able to compare multiple runs on a trail, etc.
200 votes -
Possibility to add time of a race in an event
Would it be possible to add time for an event as it is the only way to sync meal with fuelin app? At the moment it is not possible to get the right meal plans as by default the event is always at 6 am
82 votes -
New Strength Workout builder needs TSS
I don't see where the new strength workout includes TSS or IF for a completed workout. And it also seems that the auto sync for Apple and for Garmin doesn't pair either. Strength workouts add stress so they should have a TSS!
80 votes -
Sync with Oura Ring and Hyperice Apps.
A sync with Oura Ring can help TP’s take into consideration sleep time and quality, HRV, Resting heart rate and recovery status. A sync with Hyperice can help TP’s take into consideration recovery modalities used by the user and adjust the fatigue and stress scores accordingly. Both can help to avoid overtraining and or give overtraining alert suggestions based on data pulled from Oura and Hyperice.
70 votes -
Add run power Peak Performances
The power data is imported from stryd to the workouts, it would be great if it is used in Peak Performances too
59 votes -
Include recovery and strain scores from Whoop as a metric to be tracked on the metrics panel of the dashboard.
Include recovery and strain scores from Whoop as a metric to be tracked on the metrics panel of the dashboard.
41 votes -
Make graphs more... S-E-X-Y?
There's gotta be a way to make these thangs look better. I feel like I'm looking at microsoft excel graphs from the 90's.
40 votes -
Automatically filter/delete bad HR and power data.
It is pretty common to sometimes get obviously erroneous HR or power data (e.g. HR = 250 or power = 2000w for someone who has never seen HR >185 or power >850). When looking at past peak performances over any time horizon, this bad data means that you cannot see peak performance data or you have to manually go through and delete HR and power data from those activities respectively before you can see what the athlete's actual peak performances were. This can take a lot of time if the athlete gets bad data a few times every month, and…
36 votes -
Add history and graphs for strength workouts too
New strength builder is a good step in right direction. However, basically every gym app has section for history/analytics where a user can easily check progression and different kind of graphs. We need that too.
Also, it is a very easy task to look a few popular gym apps like Strong and see how history/analytics has been done. And what other features they have... ;)
33 votes -
Possibility to custom graphs
Customized graphs are needed in general, but specifically, as an exercise physiologist, I would like to have the possibility to compare training sessions of an athlete, and different athletes that complete the same session.
27 votes -
Heart rate zones based on lab-based lactic acid threshold test
Having completed a lactic acid threshold test I would appreciate the option to set the heart rate for 2mmol/L, the heart rate for 4mmol/L, max heart rate and resting heart rate.
I may be in the minority, but have found that entering either of these heart rate thresholds as well as my max and resting heart rate have not yielded reasonable results for the Zone calculation. I ended up having to play around with the threshold until I arrived at reasonable zones.
Alternatively/in addition, links to the source material of how the wealth of methods calculate threshold would be helpful…26 votes -
Swim Peak Performances
Also are there any plans to bring in a feature on swim pace peak performances as a tab in the peak performance box?
Theres a table in the dashboard that shows this over time periods, but not actually when thy do a fitness test or peak 400m, or 1000m. So the data is there, surely its just a programming update issue?
This would be so super useful!!
21 votes -
Add Support for Blood Glucose for Graphing and Analysis
Blood Glucose readings are only available as a metric currently. Please add support for continuous Blood Glucose readings during a workout, in the same way that Power, Torque, Cadence, Speed and Elevation are supported. Not just on the Scatter Graph, but on the main Graph please.
Both professional cycling teams and amateurs are now using CGM (Continuous Glucose Monitoring) for training, recovery and fuelling analysis. Now is the time to start supporting this data in Training Peaks., as other providers are getting onboard.
SuperSapiens (https://www.supersapiens.com/) support export of a glucose CSV file. I have attached one so that…
21 votes -
OpenAI Chat Integration for Instant Feedback and Analysis
Subject: Feature Suggestion - OpenAI Chat Integration for Instant Feedback and Analysis
Dear Training Peaks Team,
I hope this message finds you well. I am an avid user of the Training Peaks platform and have greatly benefited from its various features. Recently, I've come across an opportunity to enhance the user experience and provide valuable insights for athletes by integrating OpenAI chat functionality into the platform.
Feature suggestion: OpenAI Chat Integration for Instant Feedback and Analysis
Integrating OpenAI chat functionality into Training Peaks would enable athletes to receive instant feedback on their training and analysis based on their personal…21 votes -
Scattered Graph - Save settings introduced by user
Hi there,
when using the scattered graph and introducing different views of various combinations of data channels, these settings will reset to the default every time it is closed and reopened. This does not make too many sense.
Would be a very nice feature if the settings I introduce to the scattered graph would be saved when leaving the dialogue saving it or "save and close" ...
Ideally for bike and run differently as - depending on the discipline - different combinations of channels are relevant / interesting.
What do you think?
Christoph21 votesThank you for the feedback. This is a common request and has been added to that project’s feedback.
Future opportunities have not been added to our road map yet, but we are actively collecting feedback which contributes to the prioritization process. We do not want to set up false expectations and want to make sure that there is awareness that this update currently is not prioritized and does not have an ETA.
Better estimate of impact of Rowing Workouts
Rowing workouts should reflect actual work done & impact on fitness/form
Rowing workout 9/22:
3x20 min zone 3+ (10 min zone 3; 50 min zone 4) only computed 19 TSS / 0.42 IF.Bike workout prior week 9/15:
2x20 Z3 on the bike - 62 TSS, 0.74 IFAt a bare minimum, the rowing workout should be 1.5x the bike effort (3 intervals vs 2); plus it was almost all Z4, so should be higher again impact.
First time I've uploaded rowing data and it appears that TP is just using wattage/effort data from the bike?
20 votes -
A graph that can be generated showing efficiency factor changes over time from workout to workout?
A graph that can be generated showing efficiency factor changes over time from workout to workout
20 votes -
Auto Detect FTP
Now that AI has come in to place, it would be nice to see a projected FTP and not have to do an FTP test
It would be nice For self trained athletes to develop a workout plan and see where they will be in the next six or 12 weeks in regards to your FTP. It could also have a range of variance high and a low if you are not compliant 100% to the plan anyway I think it be nice touch.
20 votes -
Add longer durations for peaks
Please add longer standard durations for Peaks. Currently the max duration for measuring power or HR is 90 minutes. However, many fitness events, for example Gravel cycling or running marathons, last much longer than 90 minutes. Being able to measure performance over longer durations than 90 minutes is a key requirement, in training for events such as these.
There are other Ideas for the ability to define custom durations. That would be very good, but would also take quite a bit of developer time to implement since it’s a more complex function. As a short term, easier-to-implement enhancement, please just…19 votesAgreed! Longer duration peaks would be rad - we're keen on these too.
- Don't see your idea?