Function Pair / Unpair from phones/tablets
Is there a solution to use the function Pair / Unpair workouts from a mobile or website on iPad / tablets

Ruben Garcia commented
+1 vote to this. Not even the web interface using an iPad (instead of the dedicated app) allows to par/unpair workouts
John commented
This feature is especially necessary for athletes such as myself who commute to work and back before their scheduled workouts. Having to use an unrestricted personal computer to perform this function is crazy in 2024. So many other apps provide this functionality already and I would be using a those apps it it weren’t for the coach I have. I’m wondering if it would be more productive to convince my coach to use a more modern mobile app
Graham Parkins commented
Despite setting the approximate start time for workouts and therefore putting them in order. The system still assigns the wrong upload to each workout.
Fix this and/or make it easy to reattach workouts to the correct planned workout in the mobile and website.
Richard commented
One of my most wanted features is the ability to at least unpair workouts on the mobile app
Alexander Funch commented
Is there any update from the developers on this? It's been a requrwste features for over 3 years.
Yentna commented
Enable pairing and unpairing workouts on mobile!
This is a no-brainer - being required to remember log into TP on a computer is so dated and frustrating and hinders functionality.
(Keywords: drag and drop / drag & drop / pair workout.)
You have 3 year old ticket for this that's buried and overlooked btw. -
Yentna commented
I came here to log this feature, and find that it's been requested for over 3 years??? The mobile app is so dated and cumbersome, and it's SO frustrating to be required to log into TP on my computer. What decade are we in?
Sam Jones commented
Even using the web app through a browser (I’ve tried multiple) doesn’t work on an iPad with a mouse and keyboard. This lone lone feature tethers me to the web app on a computer to correct or pair workouts. In all honesty, even fixing the drag and drop to be functional on an iPad in a web browser would be sufficient.
John Oakes commented
This really needs to be implemented.
Anonymous commented
I'm paying for a TP coach, and this is a must have. It's unacceptable to have to wait until I open a laptop to unpair a planned workout and match the correct workout when I have multiple planned workouts a day. This is a major limitation and makes me want to switch coaching platforms.
Jan-Eric Pietralla commented
This is a must have in my opinion.
Maximilian Schober commented
Dear developers, is there any news on the topic? very important for the users. I reguarly need to find a computer to login before i can start the real workout.
Reto Burkart commented
Very important
Shannon Scott commented
I've been using TP for 5 years and have wished for this feature from the beginning. It's typically the only reason I need to log into the desktop site, otherwise I would be able to use mobile 100% of the time. It's very frustrating not to be able to correct pairings after each ride, instead having to remember to do them when I'm back at my computer.
Chandler Collins commented
100% – this is the one piece of functionality that tethers me to my home desktop, and is a huge frustration especially when traveling for races when I want to be able to track training from an iPad or mobile device.
Michael Schele commented
I support this proposal. Please add function to pair and unpair planned and completed workouts to the Android and iOS apps.
bleux. commented
This needs to be added as soon as possible…I hate having to always go to my PC to unpair my commute from the planned training session.
Dave Heald - Inside Line Coaching commented
If a ride file is uploaded without any HR data, it's impossible to unpair from a planned workout.
Yes, it can be downloaded, and re-uploaded, but for multiple file days that's a lot of unnecessary work! This only happens if a file does not have HR data.
Max Valverde commented
I just found a workaround. You can open in safari, then click the “Aa” icon in the URL search bar of safari. Then click “request desktop site.” Then go try to drag and pair the activity onto the intended workout. It’s a little glitchy in that you need to drag it just right. But it will work. Once you successfully drag and drop it, the browser will then glitch out for some reason and take you to some weird Google search result page for the url. From here just click ‘back’ and you will have the normal desktop window asking you if you want to pair the activity. This just worked for me. Good luck!
Richard commented
This is one of my biggest issues with the iOS app - would be a great feature.