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TrainingPeaks Customer Feedback



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131 results found

  1. The translation from rowing wattage to split times (time:500m) is not correct at TP. Due there is a easy formula at concept 2. Is it possible to adjust this?

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  2. I weigh myself in kgs.
    Run and Cycle in miles.
    Swim in meters
    Add granularity to the measurements of different disciplines

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  3. There should be a possibility to select which body composition values are sync from a source.

    Right now both my Garmin account and my TrainingPeaks accout are connected to Withings. As a result in my TrainiogPeaks calendar I get a metrics entry for weight and body fat from withings and I get a second entry from Garmin with just the weight. And the value Garmin provide was synced from Withings as well.

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  4. Sometimes we have a coach that send though Training Peaks a general training plan for a Club or group. If one, as individual athlete wants to create a training plan adapted to his goals it is necessary to add the activities of both plans (coach and individual) in the same calendar, making it impossible to calculate fitness levels for the A-goal course. It would be nice to have the possibility of have different calendars where athletes accounts can create different training plans and see their impact on long term goals, like the ATP.

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  5. Integrate Hydrow rower output directly in TP. Hydrow already uploads automatically into Strava. Can we work with Hydrow to also upload directly into TP.

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  6. I love your new feature named “Available “ but it only allows you to be “unavailable.” Athletes travel for work, training, and or races and coaches need to be informed. The “availability” option should allow an athlete to input their status in this box. This would allow more communication between athlete and coach.

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  7. As a coach we receive email notifications, when an athletes training session gets uploaded.
    It would be great if this also happened when athletes enter their daily metrics into TP. This way ups and downs and feelings are flagged as well as any notes on sleep etc.

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  8. A notification to coaches that an athlete has missed a scheduled workout. Perhaps notifications linked to the session adherence RAG status.

    Often workouts are completed as planned and only need a small amount of feedback. The conversation around understanding why a workout has been missed is far more valuable to the coach-athlete relationship.

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    Thank you for the feedback. This is a common request and has been added to that project’s feedback.

    Future opportunities have not been added to our road map yet, but we are actively collecting feedback which contributes to the prioritization process. We do not want to set up false expectations and want to make sure that there is awareness that this update currently is not prioritized and does not have an ETA.

  9. TrainingPeaks does not auto-apply Elevation Correction to files, for example Gramin 735xt.

    Improvement would be a Elevation Correction in Trainingpeaks or a import of adjusted data in Trainingpeaks, e.g. from Garmin Connect

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  10. Add TrainHeroic (Link Button) as a "add a Workout" Option (Workout Type) on TrainingPeaks Calendar... which will bring a client to their TrainHeroic Login/ TrainHeroic App (Dashboard/Calendar)

    This will allow clients to easily see that they have (and go to) a scheduled session on TrainHeroic.


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  11. I would like to see VO2max added in all tools.

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  12. Over the past many years I have saved alot of workout plans in the Training library. I would like to download them to word or excel or pdf as a backup save to Training peaks. I feel at the moment that TP owns my work because I have no way to take it off TP. I could loose it all one day.

    If TP goes down, is hacked or changes their account rules etc I may loose years of work that went into creating the workouts. I would like to be responsible for backing up my own work.

    In a…

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  13. Using free-ride segments in Zwift is often used for short max efforts. Now its not possible to export certain blocks as a free-ride segment i.s.o. a steady-state segment. This means you still need to edit the workout in Zwift.

    A solution would be that a block set to 0 watt would be exported to a free-ride segment for a Zwift workout.

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    RPE based workouts can now be exported to Zwift. These workouts use Free Ride blocks along with text messages to communicate the target RPE. During a free ride block the trainer will be in ERG mode and respond to changes in the simulator. This is a good option for building FTP test workouts since the trainer will not be locked in to a specific power target.

  14. There are lots of new devices and even more metrics, which are even less consistent across devices.

    Rather than killing yourself trying to add new data types allow data to be uploaded with a name, giving the responsibility for naming the metric to the people writing the data file.

    In my particular case I have a runscribe and would like to combine their data with the data Suuonto Movescount automatically uploads, but I can see how there are probably not enough people with the same device for you to do so. Although if you added up all the users of…

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  15. I see a real need for the TP Coaching Edition to have the functionality to be used offline when connectivity is not available so you can write programs. When service is established, a synch would occur.

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    Future Opportunity  ·  Josh responded

    Thanks so much for your feedback. While we agree that off-line planning mode would provide an opportunity for training prep and analysis when connectivity is not available, this would require a major redesign of our platform and thus not something we could tackle in the near-term.

  16. It would be great, to have a TP version, that can do more than the free version, but less than the premium.

    Why ? : I love the planning features of TP, but don't do that much cardio anymore. So the premium version is to expensive, and the free version don't allow me to use the planning features.
    And since i really want to continue to support TP, a basic version, with planning, and some details on workouts, would be great.

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  17. When someone buys a training plan, their email should be included in the info provided so the coach can follow up.

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    Future Opportunity  ·  Josh responded

    We can (and do) provide the purchaser’s email address when the buyer has consented to receive additional information in their user settings.

  18. I understand the intent of the pre-activity notes but from a user standpoint it does not make sense to me. Please consider a user accessible pre-activity section to record technique comments aside from the actual workout specifics. As a self coached athlete I would find this area useful to input work out tips and techniques to consider or pre-race focus ideas... Restricted areas within a personal training log don't make sense to me as a user... Please consider this as an RFE..

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  19. I really like training peaks, but after years of paying $120 a year for features I wasn't using I decided to stop and switch to Garmin connect. I did this because Garmin connect let me plan out in the future (poorly). I recently switched back because training peaks is more detailed, but I am stuck using the free version I want to pay some features and I feel like the $50-60 is the sweet spot. I am looking for just a few capabilities. 1) planning 2) create workouts. That's really it. Some basic metrics would be a plus.

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  20. Allow registration on the 'Customer Success Team' site so that you only have to enter the subject and question each time and not all of your contact information etc.

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