77 results found
127 votes
32 votes
31 votes
We are currently reviewing our chat tool and features. While we do not currently have a timeline for releasing improvements, it is something we are actively researching.
22 votes
Get rid of the paid pro version of the app for athletes who sign up through a coach, should be free for them
I don't like my clients seeing an ad to upgrade to a better version when they sign up. If they're signing up under me they should have access to the pro app for free. I want my athletes to have those features and I think it's scammy to pass that cost on to them. I also think it makes me as a coach look cheap.
18 votes -
Move multiple sessions at a time
How can I mass adjust the days instead of going day by day? Example my other program is sat, sun, wed and thurs. I'd like to add the black iron team workouts on those days but was wondering if there was quicker way than going each day move session
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16 votes
15 votes
13 votes
12 votes
11 votes
Timer Sound
Make the Timer alarms louder and something beyond a tiny ping. It should cut through the sound of gym music, and weights being dropped.
10 votes -
9 votes
9 votes
Option For Athlete/Coach Privacy/Visibility
The coach would like an option for privacy and turn off visibility. His concern is that his athlete is working with him and another coaches. Those coaches have access to his workouts and other intellectual property. He would like to be able to limit who can view his/athlete's workouts.
7 votes -
Rearrange Exercises
To be able to rearrange exercises, currently new exercises are always added last and there is no way to have the program match the order the exercises should be done, unless you are a Coach
6 votes -
6 votes
6 votes
6 votes
6 votes
- Don't see your idea?