EXTERNAL: Garmin integration
Being able to upload data directly to Garmin and have metrics (training load, vo2 etc) calculated as per the other online platforms (TrainerRoad, Zwift etc)

Lip lombard commented
Would make me decide to continue with service or not
Lip lombard commented
Would be great to integrate with Garmin Connect as this the integrates with lost of other providers/apps like our medical aid and for this we get ratings, discounts and better medical service offerings etc
Craig W commented
i am dual recording to garmin, but would like the feature to only have to record once (via TPV) and it would update garmin with the activity as I have all my history and primary source coming from garmin
Maksymilian Kapica commented
I see the lack of synchronization as an advantage of TPVirtual. Unfortunately, Garmin doesn’t update health stats or training status for data from external sources.
This allows me to use Garmin as a parallel device during training to collect data without needing to delete external data later for the stats to update. The fact that Garmin Connect won’t show the event name or a map doesn’t matter—cycling indoors is always just cycling in place, regardless of the view in front of me.
Willi commented
Die Aktivierung der automatischen Synchronisierung für Garmin Connect ist sehr wichtig. Viele Nutzer haben Garmin. Ich hoffe dies geschieht bald.
Willi commented
Vielen Dank! Aber wie lassen sich die Daten automatisch hochladen um von Garmin berechnet zu werden?
Willi commented
Ist es in nächster Zeit angedacht sich mit Garmin Connect zu verbinden?
Jennifer Brennan commented
Automatically share TrainingPeaks Virtual with Garmin
Josh commented
In the meantime, I wrote a small program to "fake" the device so garmin will count TPV rides towards training status and such: https://github.com/jat255/fit_file_uploader
matthew commented
Who do we need to call at Garmin to get this fixed, seems like such a small API possibility yet massive need for the TPV users.
It's a shame we can do this with strava but not Garmin.
[Deleted User] commented
I'm all in on the Garmin ecosystem and dislike the direction Strava has gone recently as a "middle man." I'm glad to see this is planned.
Sue commented
Please can you look at a direct sync with Garmin after a workout. It does sync with Strava but I’d love Garmin to sync at the same time.
My Garmin is connected to Training Peaks and Strava so this would be great to keep everything together.
Susana Rosa commented
To be abble to syncronize with Garmin when finnished the activity
CKW commented
Agreed, this is critical for athletes managing their training load and recovery through Garmin. Manually uploading FIT files is annoying, load is not recognised and if your Garmin account is linked to Strava then you get a second activity added to strava after the native sync version from TPV (then have to manual delete Strava duplicate). I'll be very happy to pay for TPV when Garmin Sync is enabled.
Ron Dawson commented
I really need TPV to upload to Garmin Connect. I’ll use another platform until until it’s fixed.
Luke Flory commented
It’s surprising this wasn’t recognized as a primary need, or at least some way to auto sync with Strava. Maybe I’m missing something…
Olivia Walling commented
When I do a ride on TP Virtual, it does not sync to Garmin Connect. Garmin Connect as a result thinks I've given up working out.
Jonathan Getz commented
hi Douglas. I think this is a garmin thing which I've also experienced. I've suggested it to garmin on their ideas page too. the more people who ask garmin for this the better.
Douglas H. Silva commented
Enable automatic synchronization for Garmin Connect.
It doesn’t make sense to have it for Strava but not for Garmin Connect, especially considering that many devices are from Garmin.
Whenever I tried to manually import the .FIT file, it didn’t work. I attempted the process using my phone.
I canceled my Zwift subscription hoping to have this automatic functionality available.
Drummond Masterton commented
Yes please. The manual work around is a real pain.