Upload Data directly to Garmin and allow it to be counted for on device metrics (
Being able to upload data directly to Garmin and have metrics (training load, vo2 etc) calculated as per the other online platforms (TrainerRoad, Zwift etc)
Danny Zicke commented
Kein Sync zu Garmin macht die Nutzung von TP Virtual für mich nicht sinnvoll. Lade ich per Hand hoch, habe ich in Strava und TP dann alles doppelt und das nicht einmal im richtigen Sportprofil.
Osaka GrassToucher commented
Cycling is not my main sport. I'm a runner who uses cycling as a cross training activity. I pay for zwift because it syncs all my workout data to Garmin and tp. Once this feature is available I will happily drop my zwift subscription and cycle exclusively on tpVirtual
Sławek O. commented
Totally agree! This is the only blocker I cannot switch from Zwift. Training Load (with all other details) being sync to Garmin Connect is crucial, unfortunately .fit file which I used to manually sync training with Garmin does not allow do sync everything.
As said, tied TPVirtual, loved it, would like to use, but without direct sync with Garmin, just can’t. Sorry.