78 results found
123 votes
43 votes
Track Body Metrics
Track body metrics like height, weight, etc.
42 votes -
Exercise Recommendations
Recommend suggested exercises for the athlete to swap
35 votes -
Nutrition tools, progress and body composition tracking
Nutrition tools, progress and body composition tracking, photo tracking, be able to program progressions or regressions, be able to program better %/RPE for lifting along with reps and weight
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30 votes
We are currently reviewing our chat tool and features. While we do not currently have a timeline for releasing improvements, it is something we are actively researching.
27 votes
Improve Exercise Filtering
I’m looking for two specific features related to exercise filtering. First, you have a search on the exercise, but NOT on the tag. To me, I actually prefer a search by tag than workout name (too much variability DB vs Dumbbell, etc.). I realize you can check the filter, but I have a fairly long list of tags. Actually, mine isn’t that long, but with all the built in ones, and mine, it’s a long list. Also, when I’m filtering, I’m most likely to do it by training phase or body part than a specific exercise, so I can pick…
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24 votes
22 votes
22 votes
20 votes
19 votes
Track and Graph volume / sets per muscle group by tagging exercises with primary and secondary muscles worked
It would be really great to have a functionality to track the volume (either total weight lifted or number of sets) per muscle over time (ie by week, month etc). This feature would make it much easier for the athletes and coaches to see how balanced their program is, and make changes to the program to give more attention to lagging muscle groups. I'm imagining a dropdown box where the user can select a muscle group and a graph of volume over time will be plotted, in addition to a sort of heat map on a body graphic to show…
17 votes -
17 votes
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15 votes
14 votes
Improve ability to edit and re-apply an exercise to a program
Maybe I’m doing something wrong, but I find it laborious to manage changes to a mid-stream PROGRAM. I typically build out 4 week periodized programs. If, mid-stream, I want to change a workout right now I’m copying the program, unpublish the remainder of the sessions, change the workout I want, delete all the ones that they’ve already completed and then republish the smaller new program to the athlete. At a program level, I’d love to see something like TrainingPeaks “Dynamic Plan” where I could change the program and it would apply to all athletes who have that program. THIS WOULD…
14 votes
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