578 results found
Athlete: Edit options after creating session
I would also like to be able to edit workout after assigning exercises like making a superset or removing a superset for example.
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Copy/Paste Chat Comments
Copy/Paste Chat Comments for faster documentation and note taking.
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Flexibility to move program start date without losing workouts
I am a customer of someone who created a program and uses Train Heroic for their delivery method. I got sick during the first few weeks of my program, and was told to move the start date. When I did this however, data from my program was lost, which resulted in lost workouts. This is incredibly frustrating as someone who paid for this program and cannot get the information back. There is nothing Train Heroic is doing to further assist me or correct this.
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Have Readiness Survey On One Screen
The coach would like to have all readiness survey questions on one screen. They feel it would make for a faster flow and quicker.
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Reporting pulls all exercises with related name
i.e. report pulls all "back squats"
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Back and forward arrow
Way to go back and forward between days with an arrow when in session edit view
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