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TrainingPeaks Customer Feedback



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154 results found

  1. Total training time per ATP is only part of the equation, and not indicative of the training load. The training stimulus is the metric of importance, and how long each load is delivered per period. I am looking for the planned time in each zone, which can be tabulated based on the builder. I then want to compare planned time in each zone to actual time. 15 hours of training is a useless figure. It depends what those 15 hours are filled with and the proper loads depending on period. In the ATP it would be great to see colors…

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  2. I think it would be very useful to have more reference parameters for training in the builder (for example 95% of p5', 95% of MSSL, 105% of vt1...etc).

    That is, we can reference the intervals by other landmarks ( p1', p5', p20', vt1, vt2 MSSL...etc)

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  3. When I assign a plan to a client it would be very helpful if the assigned sessions were hidden by default on their calendars. When I assign a plan I usually go to each assignee's calendar and Hide all sessions, only un-hiding the ones I want week by week. When I assign a plan to a client who is peaking fro a second event, under the current system, all older sessions are allocated and show up in red on their calendars often causing them stress.

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  4. I think that there is a need for many coaches when we have to program trail runing sessions. Nowadays we can program with time or distance, but running in the mountains implies take into acsount the slope.
    It's important introduce programming with slope and maximum climb speed.

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  5. An easy way to periodise consecutive strength workouts rather than having to go into each workout and adjust. Being able to have the same workout scheduled say 4 - 8 weeks in a row, but being able to edit in one screen to periodise each of those workouts over that time instead of going into each and every workout and editing to periodise which is time consuming.

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  6. I want a table so i can compare the TSS of all my athletes for the same training.

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  7. New workout builder

    Great, thank you. Can you please reinstate the ability to add documents / PDFs and or web links to the coaches notes, or general intro area please

    Very often coaches own library links are needed as reference, for example access to the national federations approved S&C workouts, or a range of weights / reps for different athlete types, or weights.

    For example my current S&C covers 6 weight categories across male and female, and 3 cyclist types, all around, climber and sprinter. I simply cannot create that many S&C workouts. PLUS can we add a percent of…

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  8. build a workout using the textual description with specific syntax like

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  9. Allow users to sign up for the beta user features testing before release to provide feedback.

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  10. Is there a chance that we can get a daily calorie intake in Matrics? Or is it possible to integrate calorie consumption based on the zones or heart rate zones using laboratory diagnostics, as other platforms already do? It would also be helpful if you had food options in each workout - in short, you need to consume 50 g of carbohydrates per hour today

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  11. Strength workouts should be included in your weekly snapshot, it’s supposed to show your “weekly snapshot” so why would a strength workout not be part of that?
    They were a few weeks ago, seems silly to void them now as it makes is difficult to see what work we have done each day without looking over everything.

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  12. Currently, assistant coaches, even when a plan library has been shared with them, must apply a plan to a trainee's calendar to view the plan itself. It would be wonderful for an assistant coach to be able to view the plan without having to apply it anywhere - adding something like a preview button would be helpful. Thank you!

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  13. The comments section is unreadable once you've insert some emojis or numbers. Please please fix this.

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  14. In the morning after weighing myself on a Garmin smart scale, and then relooking at my sleep hours on my Forerunner 920, I then go to my iPad, and record subjective feelings. On the iPad format, there are Two entry “blocks”. I then have to choose which block and MANUALLY hand entry data and merge the information to the other. Is there an automated process, that can combine the data input, into ONE BLOCK?
    Thank you

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  15. At the moment we either have to use the slider to alter the intensity or duration of an interval, for each interval. This is quite tedious, cumbersome and slow.
    It would be great if we could highlight a section of a workout, or select certain intervals, and just increase those by a desired % value.

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  16. The weather forecast on the calendar appears to be using the forecast heat index instead of actual forecast high. This is misleading and should use actual forecast high.

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  17. It would be nice to have the name in the header when the "analyze" window is open.

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  18. Whenever I make a segment on a run, I have to make it every time I do that run. This should not be the case. When I have made a segment, it should appear every time I do that run so that I can compare it to the last time I did the run. Also, I should be able to look at 2 runs simultaneously. This has been around on certain apps for years and the headquarters of one such app is only 30-40 minutes away from Boulder so maybe you guys should go ask them how they accomplish this.…

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  19. I would like to see a field to track the calories or kCal consumed during training or racing

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  20. It would be great to find an opportunity to use TP-cycling-programms on Tacx or any other smarttrainer WITHOUT Zwift.
    I think many Zwift-user take Zwift only for structured programms, which are programmed on TP.

    Is this possible soon?
    Krgds, Renate

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