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TrainingPeaks Customer Feedback



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203 results found

  1. see the intensity zones in all the graphs (heart rate, power and pace). (example polar app)

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  2. Add metrics and progress bar or percent completed to custom goals over a given time period. For example: Bike 3000 miles in 12 months. I could view my progress of achieving that goal at any time.

    Strava and Garmin currently have this option.

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  3. Currently you cannot 'overlap' ATPs. You can create multiple ATPs but these must not overlap in terms of dates. However, it would be very useful to be able to create different versions of an ATP (with the same / similar date period), so that we could compare different possible approaches to periodising the year. At any one time, only one of these ATPs would be 'active', and that's what would link to the calendar etc. But you could switch between the different ATPs. Currently the only way to do this kind of comparison is to create an ATP, then make…

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  4. data in sleep metrics is currently measured in % hr. It should be measured in hrs:min:sec, like the time field in workouts.

    also, more generally, it would be good to have a general custom field where athletes can track a bespoke metric which may not be currently available to be measured in metrics. thanks.

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  5. To see NGP in running workout analysis metrics, you have to toggle back and forth between TSS and rTSS selection on the summary screen. This is a pain point as it as a lot of slow screen switching when analyzing laps or segments of workouts. Display both NGP and power metrics for running workouts when power is available.

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  6. This may already be in here, but I cant find it. A simple count of workouts by activity type. For example, if you have ridden 5 times, run twice and swum twice, the total is 9 activities. A column chart summarized by week similar to hours or TSS charts. Very simple. For some athletes a goal can be consistency so being able to easily see progress on this is helpful and motivating. For multisport coaches, it provides another metric to assess to determine how consistent an athlete is being by sport.

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  7. Implement zone values in Dashboard Widgets when hovering over the diagrams. E.G. Zone 3 (144-171 bpm). Right now its only showing the zone's name.

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  8. It would be great if you could go back in time and look at your fatigue, fitness and form from past races.

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  9. A dashboard chart like the mobile fitness report with previous duration dependent ramp rates and if possible predictive ramp rates based on what is prescribed.

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  10. I have a proposed enhancement for workout analysis. I'd like to be able to set a power threshold using a vertical slider alongside the analysis graph. The graph would highlight each time my power was above this threshold showing the length of time I was above it. This would help me analyse multiple efforts during the same ride e.g. sprint intervals or 30s efforts above FTP. The tool could work in exactly the same way with heart rate.

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  11. Please add a RPE 0 so that a rest period will not have a distance allocated to the total run time

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  12. Add AWC/W' graphic.
    I think that it's an important thing to add in metrics and in the graph to better analized races and trainings

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  13. It would be great to see the Moxy Saturation Data in the Chart and Lap detail! It is in the fit file detail and we can rig it in a scatter chart "sometimes" but this is not as useful as being able to see the detail in an interval/lap against power, HR etc.

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  14. It happens a lot of time I need to create new lap to analyze my athlete workout or races.
    When I want to creat a lap, the only way is by using the drag feature in the data chart and it is always very tricky to create a lap as I want.

    Is it possible to add a small feature where the selection can be edited manually entering the starting and ending time/distance or duration in a box?

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  15. It’s annoying when the App associates an irrelevant exercise with a planned one. How can we untag it? Also, can we associate multiple individual exercises with a planned one? On Apple Watch, different activities get recorded as separate exercises but can we group together on TP against the planned ones? TP only allows one to be associated. Not multiple.

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  16. Due to displaying multiple scales on the same chart and that the data is fairly well-bounded, the plots of metrics feels very "choppy." It'd be nice to have an option to display data in a rolling average form to smooth it out. Businesses already do this for displaying YoY data for the same reason. See attached screenshot as an example.

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  17. Allow users the option to receive pace and HR alerts during structured workouts instead of automatically imposing them on us. They can be helpful but they can also interfere with how we have our watch set up. It seems like they happen when you're trying to read a different data field. Add a selectable option in the workout summary/builder screens to toggle them on/off as desired.

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  18. Please investigate and correct whatever broke this data population for cycling activities (Mountain Bike & Bike). I sync data to TP from Garmin Connect only. Prior to October 5th, all of my workouts successfully transferred to TP and TP populated an IF. Since October 5th, TP population of IF has seemed random, but typically not populating. I've gone back and manually calculated and updated IFs for my workouts, but this is inconvenient as it used to occur automatically.

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  19. Rowing-specific training zone calculations in the Settings would make life easier for those of us tracking indoor rowing. There are multiple definitions (such as Concept 2's breakdown of UT2/UT1/AT/TR/AN) but it would be good to at least have one way to quickly break down zones based on power/pace output and heart rate.

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  20. I run trying to keep my heart rate as LOW as possible while keeping my pace steady. Please add statistics that help with lowering my HR, not celebrating higher HR. How about adding a fitness factor that combines the runners pace and HR in one number, where a faster pace and lower HR is the goal.

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