Add Core Temperature Data into TrainingPeaks in the same way as external temperature
The Core body temperature sensor seems to be gaining popularity. It would be good if this data could be transferred into TrainingPeaks within the workout in the same way as the temperature data is currently shown, allowing for analysis after each completed workout.

Eduardo Fernandez Rivas commented
I'd like this as well please !!
Daniele Costantini commented
core temperature data than you can see on TPVirtual UI is not saved in the .fit file created...why?
Jane commented
Please add core temperature as a METRIC. I don't use a temperature sensor, but I know when my core temperature is elevated. The metric would be for general tracking, e.g. normal, elevated, lower than normal.
My core temp varies greatly throughout my menstrual cycle, and when it's high -- which can be for three weeks or more -- average HR can be up to 20 bpm higher, I can't hydrate enough, and training is compromised: an 'easy' 45 min run is often an effortful slog that leaves me feeling wiped out the next day.
Jane commented
YES. I vote strongly for this. My core temp varies greatly throughout my menstrual cycle, and when it's high -- which can be for three weeks or more -- average HR can be up to 20 bpm higher, I can't hydrate enough, and training is compromised: an 'easy' 45 min run is often an effortful slog that leaves me feeling wiped out the next day.
Noah Granigan commented
Bought a Core body temp sensor, it's 2024 so I assumed it would be possible to track on TP, can't believe I was wrong on that. Such a pain to try to line up efforts via the Core app on my phone and TP on my desktop that I'll probably just put it back in the box for now. Waste of a few hundred dollars.
Tim van Monero commented
super critical.
such a shame that core must send via hipo field.must be fixed asap! just integrate it!
Mykola Bartosh commented
This is a cool idea, and also Core has added some more information now
Richard commented
Did I see in the Core app settings, an option to change how the CORE values are sent / store in TP ? Maybe Core got fed up waiting and did something themselves to solve?
Dominik Rappaport commented
As a CORE Body temperature user, native support for its metrics would be lovely!
Hanna commented
Totally agree! But there is already a vote on this here:
Hanna commented
This is essential!! And one of the key reasons why I used Todaysplan instead of Trainingpeaks! We need to be able to follow the core body temperatur the same way (on the same graph please) where we can see HR, watts, RPM, altitude etc every second!
Cooymans Performance commented
CORE body temp gives multiple metrics, but only coretemp is available through the muscle oxygen field in the scatter graph in TP. It would be really nice to natively support this data in the view along with power, hr, time etc. for further analysis.
Tyzer commented
The ability to view core temperature via a graph is OK, but the ability to see Min/Max & avg values in the summary would be very useful - in the same manner as HR, Power etc
S W commented
It would be very helpful if Core data would transfer to Training Peaks.
James commented
If I could use all my 50 votes for this I would.
Zack Dorman commented
Total Hemoglobin Concentration is imported to TrainingPeaks from the CORE sensor, however the values are not useful. It would be much more useful if the C/F values measured by the CORE device were imported into TrainingPeaks.
James commented
I would like this as well!