582 results found
14 votes
Track Progress Photos
Be able to upload progress photos.
14 votes -
Copy paste
Be able to copy/paste individual movements in a session to a different program vs copy/paste a whole session
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13 votes
Shift Programming
Be able to quickly shift planned sessions on the calendar.
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Track Non-Lifts
Be able to track non-lifts over time like jumps and sprints.
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12 votes
12 votes
iPad Compatibility
This could be a devices and programming comment. There is no right click feature in iPad unless you have a bluetooth mouse (which most people don't) so the copy and paste feature doesnt work too well. I can copy exiting workouts fine but because there is only the "add from library" and "create session" options from the calendar I cant simply paste on any day I would lie.
I try to do programming on my iPad and I can create workouts fine but sometimes the browser windows are not the right size and I cannot save certain features, for example…
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12 votes
12 votes
12 votes
12 votes
12 votes
Library Organization
Add foldering and better search/filter options.
12 votes -
Improve Calendar Navigation
Jumping from one month to another causes workflow slowdowns.
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Connect to device for Hear Rate Data
Allow us to use our existing connected devices on our phones such as a garmin watch or HR band to attach heart rate data to a program
11 votes -
Edit from the Program Calendar Screen
I'd love the ability to program some workout options from the Program calendar screen. When I'm building a program, I often program in blocks wherein exercises within workouts don't change from week to week, but the reps, sets, or intensity does change. I'd love to be able to alter those metrics from the main program builder calendar page rather than having to go into each individual session to make changes at each exercise. I believe that TrueCoach does this (one thing they do well), and I appreciate the feature. It would cut down my programming time by a large margin!
11 votes
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