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TrainingPeaks Customer Feedback



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203 results found

  1. Custom Field Creation: Enable users to create custom fields in their activity logs. These fields would be specifically designed to record ******* levels at different heart rates. This customization allows for more precise tracking of an athlete's physiological responses to training.

    Data Input Options: Athletes or coaches can manually input ******* levels, measured through blood ******* testing during or after workouts, alongside the corresponding heart rate at the time of the test.

    Graphical Data Representation: Integrate these custom fields into the platform's existing data visualization tools. For instance, a graph could plot heart rate (BPM) against ******* levels over time,…

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  2. Add AWC/W' graphic.
    I think that it's an important thing to add in metrics and in the graph to better analized races and trainings

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  3. I need to be able to do group export (csv).

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  4. As a user planning my own training schedule, I would like to know how much time I have planned in each zone for future weeks, so I can ensure that the proportion of high intensity and low intensity work is in line with my desires.

    Currently, if I want to know how much time I am planning to spend in zones 4, 5, 6 compared with zones 2 and 3 in a future week of my training plan, I need to manually calculate the cumulative time in each zone by summing them together from each workout in the week. This…

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  5. Hi,
    is it possible to search a note on the calendar instead of a workout?
    I need to track nutrition, biomechanics checks, ... through notes.
    I think that can be helpful for other users and athletes.

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  6. When selecting a section of a workout, the calculated average is often wrong. As shown in the attached screenshot, the average is frequently so wrong it is outside of range of the data (pace or power) in the selected section. This bug has been present for years, and significantly reduces the value of the analysis tool. I have seen the issue pointed out many times in online forums and somehow it has never been fixed. Please fix this!

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  7. The Fitness History tables include one year of historical data. It would be great to be able to go further back in time. The custom date range feature works for the charts but not for the tables.

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  8. I think it would be extremely interesting if we could represent at least one metric in the performance manage dashboard, for personal analysis.

    For instance, in my case I want to display HRV -in fact I enter the 10 day rolling average value of HRV, that I obtain from another system- against the already visible CTL, Fatigue, Form, TSS... I have found trends in HRV (the 10 day RA) to be of great significance when gauging if your body is being able or not to cope with the energy demands of training and life in general.

    For example, I was…

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  9. Whoop does this with heart rate zones, it shows how long you staid in each zone, and once you click on the zone, it shows on the graph the moments on the training where that zone was being worked. This is good to understand if the actual training achieved the zones required. This can be done based on Power Zones and Heart Rate zones.

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  10. I appreciate having 90 day PR's now available but wish it didn't default to that setting, as coaches are all calibrated to current year or all-time.

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  11. I would like to be able to save a workout with the same title.

    I would recommend a subtitle to be added to differentiate the session. This would save having to edit workouts too.

    Example below are two sessions but the structure of the session is different.


    Title - Run test to establish your Threshold and Zones
    Sub Title - 20 Minute test

    Title - Run test to establish your Threshold and Zones
    Sub Title - 20 Minute test. Shorter warm up and cool down period.

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  12. It would be great if you could go back in time and look at your fatigue, fitness and form from past races.

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  13. 1) to be able to "star" or favorite specific workouts once pushed to an athlete. In mind specifically are time trial or assessment workouts.
    2) then, to be able to connect those into a report in the dashboard, where i can more easily track the progress over time. I'm doing this manually right now in the coach journal but would prefer it in the dashboard for reference.

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  14. Users should be able to opt in or out of StackUp.

    I’m sure I’m not unique in the TP community in that I’m training intentionally (and using a coach) because I want to make improvements in my life. I’m a heavier athlete and already have a complicated set of feelings when I show up on race day in a tri suit with all of my competition then cross the finish line close to the back of the pack. I need to remind myself that we’re all on a journey. I made the mistake of opening up the StackUp beta when…

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  15. I currently have a Garmin watch (currently Forerunner 955) and a Garmin Index scale. Everyday my health data from Garmin is synched from Garmin Connect to TrainingPeaks. However, they synch separately and I end with two different entries. One with the weight metrics from the Garmin scale, and another with the sleep data and other metrics from the forerunner. I believe all health data should be incorporated into a single daily file, at least for the first weigh in of the day. I understand some people might want to weigh themselves more than once daily, and that could make it…

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  16. When I filter for a specific ride, different parameters like TSS are listed. Unfortunately, the TSS value doesn't give me the full picture if I don't know my FTP value at that time. So, would it be possible to list the historical FTP value and possibly also the weight when filtering, in addition to date, duration, distance and TSS?

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  17. In the summary of my running activities the unit of elevation gain and loss is 'm' but the figures seem tobe in 'feet'. How to change that in meters as my preference setting is metric ?

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  18. Allow users the option to receive pace and HR alerts during structured workouts instead of automatically imposing them on us. They can be helpful but they can also interfere with how we have our watch set up. It seems like they happen when you're trying to read a different data field. Add a selectable option in the workout summary/builder screens to toggle them on/off as desired.

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  19. I have a training plan for today. I have synced with my garmin, but I didn't select this training before because I need to move to the start point. I start my garmin, skip the Planning Training and move to the start point. Save My ride, open my garmin and select the Training Peaks training plan. I start doing the TPKs training. When I save it and open my TPKs dashboard, my first ride was select by TPKS as the metrics for the Planned trained, not the second one that I select in my garmin.

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  20. 5 votes

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