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TrainingPeaks Customer Feedback



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204 results found

  1. Most Garmin watches now offer sleep analysis and they incorporate this into a feature called Body Battery that indicates fatigue and training readiness. Since you can now sync this sleep data into TP, please can you integrate it into the Performance Management Chart? Sleep quality is a critical factor in the body's ability to perform but right now the PMC ignores it.

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  2. In the TrainingPeaks app, under the calories and macronutrient charts, please add the ability to account for calorie expenditure based on either the basal metabolic rate, or a user determined calorie goal. The web version of the platform already has this ability under the 'Calories by Time Period' chart, but the app lacks this. At least that's true for the Android version of the software. If the maintenance calories are not accounted for, the consumed calories far out-weigh the expended calories. It would be nice to just look at the graph and know that the required calories are being consumed…

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  3. Blood Glucose readings are only available as a metric currently. Please add support for continuous Blood Glucose readings during a workout, in the same way that Power, Torque, Cadence, Speed and Elevation are supported. Not just on the Scatter Graph, but on the main Graph please.

    Both professional cycling teams and amateurs are now using CGM (Continuous Glucose Monitoring) for training, recovery and fuelling analysis. Now is the time to start supporting this data in Training Peaks., as other providers are getting onboard.

    SuperSapiens ( support export of a glucose CSV file. I have attached one so that…

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  4. Provide Added functionality to 'Peak Performance' feature that allows to see 5s, 1min, 5min, 10min, etc based on virtual or outdoor rides. Also, add capability to see peak performances based on normalized power.

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  5. Would it be possible to add time for an event as it is the only way to sync meal with fuelin app? At the moment it is not possible to get the right meal plans as by default the event is always at 6 am

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  6. not currently an active feature for the planned portion of the workout. Can be so helpful if it was possible for the trail runners and coaches!

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  8. I am 54. Part of my new routine has been to regularly take my blood pressure. I have always prided myself on keeping active. I have also been egotistical in ignoring some things. Heart attacks and strokes are no longer things off in the distance for me. I recently bought a Garmin Index BP monitor. It syncs with the Garmin Connect app but the data doesn't transfer over to the Training Peaks side. The Garmin S2 scale weight information transfers just fine (usually).
    Anyway, as an older athlete the time has come to keep regular check of my blood pressure…

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  9. Given that athletes train exclusively in metric or imperial (mine anyway) it would be good to be able to setup what unit the coach can see the athlete's training in. So for instance, even if my coach account is set to miles, I would see the weekly summary on the athelete's account in KM if that is what they have set themselves to.

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  10. Please add longer standard durations for Peaks. Currently the max duration for measuring power or HR is 90 minutes. However, many fitness events, for example Gravel cycling or running marathons, last much longer than 90 minutes. Being able to measure performance over longer durations than 90 minutes is a key requirement, in training for events such as these.
    There are other Ideas for the ability to define custom durations. That would be very good, but would also take quite a bit of developer time to implement since it’s a more complex function. As a short term, easier-to-implement enhancement, please just…

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  11. Allow users to turn off 90 day peak notification. This is a meaningless stat for me

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  12. Good morning --

    I have a couple of suggestions:

    1. The time-in-zone chart for the workout should have the added capability to be applied over specific laps. This would be helpful in evaluating the quality of the perfomance of each interval.

    2. The pie charts in the Dashboard should have the added capability to track mileage, time, etc., for specific bikes. I use a lot of these pie charts to manage scheduled maintenance, such as when to change out a shifter wire. If I go off to a training camp, and take a different bike, I would like mileage for that bike…

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  13. It is pretty common to sometimes get obviously erroneous HR or power data (e.g. HR = 250 or power = 2000w for someone who has never seen HR >185 or power >850). When looking at past peak performances over any time horizon, this bad data means that you cannot see peak performance data or you have to manually go through and delete HR and power data from those activities respectively before you can see what the athlete's actual peak performances were. This can take a lot of time if the athlete gets bad data a few times every month, and…

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  14. Dentro del apartado de atlethes de ciclismo, estaría bien poder ver los datos de torque (Nm)

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  15. Need a chart that shows peak power after a user defined KJ. (eg 2000kj). does this, why not TP?

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  16. Hello, A button on the calendar screen that allows the coach to change between miles and m's without going into settings.

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  17. For mountain runners and skimo racers a peak VAM chart similar to the peak power and peak HR charts would be really useful. You could see your best VAM for varying durations and track improvements over time.

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  18. data in sleep metrics is currently measured in % hr. It should be measured in hrs:min:sec, like the time field in workouts.

    also, more generally, it would be good to have a general custom field where athletes can track a bespoke metric which may not be currently available to be measured in metrics. thanks.

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  19. I run trying to keep my heart rate as LOW as possible while keeping my pace steady. Please add statistics that help with lowering my HR, not celebrating higher HR. How about adding a fitness factor that combines the runners pace and HR in one number, where a faster pace and lower HR is the goal.

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  20. I'd like to add my performance Diagnostic Running / Cycling results to TP. Additional to this, you can see the overall changes in a chart

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