Track FTP over time in Training Peaks, as a metric.
Track FTP over time in Training Peaks, as a metric.

Mykola Bartosh commented
Very good feature idea.
Lately, I think something might be broken because the automatic FTP update doesn't work.Also, it would be nice to see where manual input was and where automatic detection was.
George Ganoung commented
As a suggestion: I can understand that maybe history is not currently stored in the athlete's profile, and FTP is over written each time its updated creating a technical challenge that might be a bigger lift than it seems on the surface. While tracked history with dates etc. would be the ultimate, a seemingly easy improvement could be to simply display the current FTP from the athlete's profile next to the current zones so when you go to any particular workout you can easily see what the FTP was for that day next to the calculated zones for that day. All the data is there and you already do exactly this for zones. Just display current FTP in a field on this workout screen for each workout and that is a 90% improvement. See attached for visualization.
George Ganoung commented
Kicking this one again and agree 100% with Egor below. Can I put all of my votes on this? I don't understand how this continues to be overlooked so many times. At the beginning of every season I bemoan this not being a standard feature when I start comparing "where we are" vs prior years for athletes.
Egor commented
It is an absolute shame this has not been done. Lots of minor UI improvements but the most critical metric that you cannot track?? How come?? Actually, it is stored in each and every workout you make, you just need to run a script that will bring the FTP history to the surface, that's it.
And it should be synced to WKO5, too, otherwise all the historical data is useless in it.
Freek K commented
I would like to be able to (easily) monitor my heartrate treshold number over time/periods (selectable).
TGibson commented
Just wondering if this has been considered any further - seems like a simple addition to make?
Nate English commented
It could be nice to be able to create anchors in the calendar where you anticipate an athletes FTP will change throughout the season. For example, if you know a cyclist has an FTP of 350w in November, and anticipate from past data that it will be 380w in the peak of their season in May or July, being able to map that out ahead of time and having workouts track with that in real time could be great. This would be appealing compared to going in every month and manually adjusting from 350 to 355 to 360 etc. every 4-5 weeks.
Simon commented
Having a chart added to the library which shows what your FTP was at different points in time would be helpful in
a) tracking changes in FTP
b) making sure it is set correctly during different periods, since it will have an impact on the PMC, TSS and other metrics. -
Heiko commented
are there any news on this? This is still relevant and would be a great feature!
Andy Thornton commented
As far as I can work out the Threshold History and Zone data is stored with each of the workouts as when I get an athlete to complete a test session I have to recalculate workout metrics to apply the new zones and threshold value. At a minimum couldn't these values be displayed somewhere with the workout data until there is a simple way to review the history.
Christine commented
Yes!!!! would love to see this! Especially in the coaching edition!
Andrew Greif commented
Is there a way to look at your threshold history? That could be a good macro view to have access to.