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TrainingPeaks Customer Feedback



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204 results found

  1. Using the new Stack Up feature, it would be nice to also be able to compare power to individual / specific professional cyclists as well as the existing general Training Peaks family.

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  2. I keep a separate diary in Excel for all my post-activity comments. I don't put them in TP because it is impossible to get a good list of all comments. With a list I can see patterns. Now in TP there is a very limited view in the calendar. Just make a report listing all post/pre activity comments

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  3. I have a training plan for today. I have synced with my garmin, but I didn't select this training before because I need to move to the start point. I start my garmin, skip the Planning Training and move to the start point. Save My ride, open my garmin and select the Training Peaks training plan. I start doing the TPKs training. When I save it and open my TPKs dashboard, my first ride was select by TPKS as the metrics for the Planned trained, not the second one that I select in my garmin.

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  4. I would like to be able to create laps within TP. At the moment can only use auto laps from garmin. I would like to crop workouts within TP then recalculate 1km laps again after editing. Please allow this

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  5. There should be a report on available on the Dashboard that shows stats like cumulative training time, distance, and elevation gain. I'm shocked that I have to go to a Strava account to get these features... Cumulative elevation isn't even available in CSV file exports.

    Consider opening the Data Exports to have selectable fields for export (that include all of the fields that are currently captured for any individual workout or available to report on in the dashboard).

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  6. To increase visibility on athletes' nutritional balance, the current calendar view showing macros (carbs, fat, protein) should include an option to access micros (vitamins, minerals). Currently it requires athletes to send screenshots separately.

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  7. When viewing the workout in Quick View, have the ability to overlay zones (HR, pace, power, etc) on the graph as available in Expanded View. Also be able to set a default for this so it loads that way every time you click into it for both Quick View and Expanded View.

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  8. Some devises take away the mile or km's from a structured workout or some athletes take turn lap off. Please add a show miles/KM laps option rather than having to highlight the graph. being able to change the distances along the bottom of the graph from miles to km and back again within analysis would also help with a small line where the mile/km starts would also help when highlighting sections by dragging

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  9. To make a good analyse you need to be able to compare one month to the same month the previous year. Could you please expand for example the Fitness History so it's possible to see more than just one year back in time?
    Thank you.

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  10. I would like to add Peaks on Cycling at 20 Km 30 Km 40 Km 50 Km
    60 Km 75 Km 100 Km 120 Km 150 Km 200 Km

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  11. It would be great to add a downhill ski option and to allow automatic imports of skiing through Slopes and/or Apple Health. Downhill skiing currently has to be imported as a GPX file even though the data is available on Apple Health or through Slopes.

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  12. Hello, A button on the calendar screen that allows the coach to change between miles and m's without going into settings.

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  13. Build or modify existing chart to project future weight based on current caloric deficit trends, update daily with calories consumed sync, and each time a new weight is sync'd to Peaks. Here's an example of how I did it (not necessarily the best way).

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  14. I would like for wellness/health data export to show differently. It currently requires a lot of reformatting to do anything with it. Time should be left out, or at least separated from the date, not in the same cell. The different categories (like RHR, HRV, Soreness, etc.) should all be columns, and the dates should be rows. This would make it much easier to sort, pull out specific pieces of data and actual use this information to look at trends, problems, and correlations.

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  15. The current metrics system takes everything it can get from all linked applications, even when there is overlap. For example, I have Garmin connected to sync rides from my Edge and weight from my scale. I also have hrv4training connected to sync morning HRV and resting HR. When I go for a ride, Garmin sends my lowest HR to TP as "resting" HR, giving me two values for resting HR (one from each provider).

    On the old metrics system, it was simple enough (although annoying) to delete the Garmin HR card. A better solution IMO would be to allow configuration…

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  16. Hello,
    I have an idea, you could add lactic acid [lactat.e] to the analysis in TP. Just like you can add fat level or weight. Lactat.e measurement in the morning. And lactat.e measurement for each training and general analysis by time [month, two years, week etc..] on the graph.

    For example, I do a 9x 600m training and measure lactic acid after 3, 6, and 9 intervals and I would like to save these results in this training. And if I had 10 months of this data, I would like to see it on the graph.

    And also separately lactat.e…

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  17. The Garmin Ultra activity auto-logs our non-moving time. Presumably our aid station time. It would be helpful if that could show up in TP. Either on a per lap basis or at least the cumulative amount for the activity.

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  18. Dentro del apartado de atlethes de ciclismo, estaría bien poder ver los datos de torque (Nm)

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  19. Mit der Kalendersuchfunktion lassen sich sehr viele Parameter (z.B. nach Ausrüstung) filtern. Es werden auch die Gesamtfilterergebnisse berechnet.
    Was mir fehlt sind die Gesamtsummen der Dauer und der Streckenlänge.

    Diese Funktionen sind im Dashboard nicht verfügbar.

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  20. To add vertical velocity (threshold Vvert, maximal aerobic Vvert..) for setting training zones for trail runners

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