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TrainingPeaks Customer Feedback



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  1. Sometimes the gps fails and records numbers that are LITERALLY impossible, but the system does not allow to erase them and the "unreal" peaks remain there forever. It would be really useful if the new performance peaks could be "accepted" if it is a real peak or "rejected" if you know they are false. For Garmin, this option exists for "personal records", not sure if it is possible to do here.

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  2. As a coach who spends alot of time on the calendar and often cleaning things up, the lack of ability to multi select items for deletion of moving is a time drain. Right now, unfortunately I have 100s of metrics that were duplicated (my bad that this happened) but right click delete move cursor to delete button, 100s of time... going to be a long time to get it cleaned up.

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  3. I have both a Garmin and an Apple Watch (as do athletes that I coach). I feel that the health metrics from the AppleWatch are richer than they are on Garmin. I've been sending mine to TrainingPeaks via HealthFit and it's generally working out pretty well. The only thing I don't really love is the data isn't aggregated to one daily metric per day. I'd HRV, Pulse for one, SPO2 for another Weight for another (and then I go combine into 1 EVERY DAY.

    Native support would make this process much easier.

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  4. I create workouts which are time trials and would like to be able to specify some steps as RPE and other steps as power, hr, pace based.

    Currently the structured workout builder only allows for one specific primary unit for every setp in a workout, which is fine most of the time, but during time trial workouts, e.g. Cooper V02max tests, Critical Power tests, etc. The purpose of these tests is to establish or verify current best efforts, not to perscribe best effort goals or ranges.

    My clients do a significant amount of testing throughout their training and it would…

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  5. Allow nutritional information to be imported from MacroFactor in the same way we can import MyFitnessPal information

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  6. I'm looking for a workflow to get Strava segment into WKO Smart Segment automatically. I was under the impression TP supports Strava segments, but while I see "live segments" on my Wahoo Element during a ride, they do NOT show up as a lap in TP. Am I missing something? If not, this would be a nice feature. I don't want to have to manually recreate approximations of common Strava segments.

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  7. Why did the "compliance color" designation disappear on the my athlete dashboard? This was a nice way to glance at the workout before I commented and analyzed it...

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  8. Having completed a lactic acid threshold test I would appreciate the option to set the heart rate for 2mmol/L, the heart rate for 4mmol/L, max heart rate and resting heart rate.
    I may be in the minority, but have found that entering either of these heart rate thresholds as well as my max and resting heart rate have not yielded reasonable results for the Zone calculation. I ended up having to play around with the threshold until I arrived at reasonable zones.
    Alternatively/in addition, links to the source material of how the wealth of methods calculate threshold would be helpful…

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  9. 12 votes

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  10. Can you please include both Whoop and Peloton as partners with TP and allow data uploads from both?

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  11. I like the "Ramp Rate (RR)" metrics on the dashboard but not sure the data is as helpful (unambiguous) as it could be. The ramp rate is quoted in CTL per number of days. But the RR, as discussed in Joe F's Blog (linked on the home page), gives targets in CTL/week, which is a number that is more meaningful. Could your metrics be displayed in CTL/week to make it easier to understand/use? A bare number without the units specified is ambiguous.

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  12. Most workouts include more than one type of interval/exercise/drill in various combinations. It would be very convenient, when creating workouts as a coach, to have a separate library of workout blocks that can be draged into workouts.

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  13. When I'm re-arranging Plans i need do shift planed Trainings. My Coach / Training Plan works with notes. If I shift planed trainings Notes don't shift... This is a real nuisance
    Thank you

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  14. It would be a lot faster to be able to bypass the copy and paste context menu by simply dragging a workout and then releasing it while holding a certain button, eg Ctrl or Cmd.

    When a dragged workout is released without Ctrl or Cmd pressed, the workout(s) is moved.
    When released with Ctrl or Cmd pressed, the workout(s) is copied.

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  15. When you export a structured workout to Zwift, by default Zwift does not show the average power for the current interval or lap, just the instantaneous (1 second power).

    This makes it hard to really hit your target on longer intervals and is easily solved by instructing Zwift to show the average power for the current lap by adding the show_avg="1" attribute to the <SteadyState> block in the exported .ZWO file.

    Here's some documentation on the feature:

    And here's what it looks like in Zwift:

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  16. I would like to add Peaks on Cycling at 20 Km 30 Km 40 Km 50 Km
    60 Km 75 Km 100 Km 120 Km 150 Km 200 Km

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  17. I'd like the ability to redirect to an external website after purchase of a plan from the TrainingPeaks store.

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  18. Hi, it is possible to add the ability to select median heart rate rather than average? If there are enough outliers in the data, it will skew the results. As an example, I just completed an hour run. My heart rate settled in to a range of 130-132 for most of the run but since there was a ramp in the beginning and at the end, they were included and it skewed the average down. I have also seen this have a larger impact on treadmill runs where I had to stop momentarily to start another session since I exceeded…

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  19. It's great that we have the ability to use an .ical to view our calender externally, but I'm surprised there isn't an option to write directly into an existing Google calender.

    I've noticed that there can be significant delays using .ical, and if my coach updates something in the plan, it doesn't show immediatly, where I would expect this data to be pushed instantly.

    The calender integration, whilst useful, still feels a little unpolished.

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  20. Click on the comments "icon" to go down to the comments instead of having to scroll down

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