1154 results found
family plan
Multi-user/ Family Plan would be great for those who have more than one rider in the household.
50 votes -
Put TP_Virtual workouts in the TP library
Please add a folder in the TP Workouts library with all the TPVirtual workouts. They can then be selected in the TP calendar and show in Scheduled workouts in TPVirtual.
28 votesHi all!
Most of the TrainingPeaks Virtual workouts can are available in TrainingPeaks by clicking this link:
There are a few that are unique to TrainingPeaks Virtual and are not included in that Workout Library at this time.
New web is font difficult to read & activity icons unclear
While I am all for updates, I find the new style and size of the font on the web version updates make it very difficult to view activities clearly, or read text below the activity name.
The activity name and basic states used to be much bolder and larger sized font. The text below is now so small, I am now unable to read this without significantly increasing the screen size in my browser settings.
The activity icons are not as clear and bold as they used to be and I find myself having to really try to focus on…24 votes -
Zwift cog+click on Training Peaks Virtual
Integration of Zwift Cog+Click with virtual gears in Training Peaks Virtual, so those users who come from Zwift and have a Cog can use TP Virtual with their actual equipment.
35 votes -
Possibility to custom graphs
Customized graphs are needed in general, but specifically, as an exercise physiologist, I would like to have the possibility to compare training sessions of an athlete, and different athletes that complete the same session.
25 votes -
Add Paddle Sports
I would like to see paddle sprots added as a workout type. This workout type would be able to cover
Outrigger Paddling
Standup paddleboard
Dragon Boat
Whitewater Rafting
Surf Ski
PaddleboardingTraining Peaks is used for more than Bike, Run, Swim. I heard a podcast with Dirk Friel recently and he stated "Other" was the largest growing sport sector currently. Adding a general "Paddle Sport" would allow you to enable a lot of functionality across all of the sport types I listed making TrainingPeaks great for water endurance sports.
Also to note, your competitor Final Surge,…
94 votes -
The new blue color is too contrasted
The new 2025 redesigned blue color in some places is too contrasted and "painful" to see.
Reduce the contrast of the blue color, also the accessibility tool should help with it.14 votes -
Strength Metrics
I scrolled through the feedback and ideas of others, and it looks like you are making great efforts to make changes, so thank you TrainingPeaks Team!
If you have not already, I suggest looking at the App, Strong. They have a really great format, but I'd rather use TrainingPeaks because it's nice having both my cardio and strength workouts in one area. The new Strength app from TP is very good! For me to really love it and not want to supplement elsewhere, here is what I think could be useful.
1) Heart Rate monitoring during exercise - I am…
43 votesHi all!
We’re excited to share that Exercise History is now live in the TrainingPeaks mobile app (v12.62.0)!
You can access this feature directly within your strength workouts to view past performances.
We appreciate your suggestions, and your input continues to drive updates like this. I'm going to keep this suggestion labeled as Planned as the remaining items are still on our roadmap.
Thanks for being a part of the TrainingPeaks community!
New Strength Workout builder needs TSS
I don't see where the new strength workout includes TSS or IF for a completed workout. And it also seems that the auto sync for Apple and for Garmin doesn't pair either. Strength workouts add stress so they should have a TSS!
72 votes -
Strength programming improvements
Strength Programming (intensity: %RM, VBT, RIR, set/reps) & Workout Library
-Can we have the option to set SI units by default when programming S&C?
-Can we have the option to prescribe/record VTB data in the add parameter column (Power, Velocity, Peak Velocity)?
- Can we program with RIR (reps in reserse) and % of 1/3/5 RM?
-Would like to be able to prescribe exercises in supersets as per the example below: A1) 3x5 A2) 3x8 A3) 2x20s
Currently, if one exercise has X number of sets, then all the exercises have the same number of sets.- Ability to create subfolders in…
23 votes -
TP workout/builder support
TPV understands and plays .zwo files perfectly. This means TPV can already handle the <FreeRide> and <Ramp> instructions.
However (as a coach) you normally create workouts with the TrainingPeaks WorkoutBuilder and have the athletes export them to the desired platform. Which is not even necessary with TPV.
Unfortunately I have no way to mark an interval as "FreeRide" in the WB. This is necessary for all forms of tests e.g. FTP, max. efforts, etc., and "Ride by feel" sections.
Not as much important are ramps. While we have fixed step intervals in the WB it would be nice to have…12 votes -
Hovering over metrics
When you hover over metrics and move the cursor, the metrics that pop up do not go away and it is irritating as you need to refresh to get it away. Please fix this issue.
13 votes -
Add or change strength exercises mid workout
Very often weights or a machine are being used and we need to swap the planned exercise for something similar. Like the BB bench is busy, so we can do DB bench press instead. Or we want to add something we didn't program previously.
14 votes -
Data Security - Protection of athletes datas and intellectual property of coaches
Dear TP,
its getting more and more common in professional athletes that, athletes are forced by national federations or teams to share their TP account.
In a certain way its OK, to show by this way that work is done for a payed job and support.
Today there are no international rules about the data security of athletes on online platforms - and if you share the TP account with somebody - you have control on the one hand who you share with, but you dont have control if the shared person downloads your datas with and uses them in…24 votes -
Change TP back to the way it was a week or so ago. The new colors, faint text is terrible. What were you thinking?!
A literal pain in the eye to get close to see the very faint text. TP has done it again, un-needed changes when everything finally was back to working pretty good most of the time. Why did you all change things to pastel colors. faint text, just terrible! Go back!
10 votes -
Integrate the TPVirtualHub in the TP app
I’d really like to be able to open the TP app and go search for a TPV event and sign up for ut in the app, then see it populated into my TP calendar
6 votes -
add trail run to workouts
add trail run with ability to program elevation gain
10 votes -
stop adding average pace to RPE workouts
I’d like to request that TrainingPeaks stop automatically adding average pace to RPE-based runs. I use RPE specifically for prescribing trail runs, where pace is highly dependent on the route and terrain. However, the system keeps adding an average pace, which is not relevant in these cases.
Manually deleting the pace is time-consuming, and it often reappears anyway. While I advise my athletes to ignore it, some still see it as a target, which defeats the purpose of using RPE. At this point, it feels like I may as well prescribe pace instead, which I want to avoid for the…
5 votes -
New Calendar Look
The New Calendar Look on the desktop feels too white-wahsed. Run and Walk icons look nearly identical (minus the heal being lifted). Previously the training file icons had more and different color to them. On quick glance, the previous icons were easier to identify. I feel this week for me, writing schedules has taken 1.5x as long.
8 votes -
New strength workout builder to allow modifications once a workout has started
Currently once you start a workout which has been created in the new strength workout builder, you cannot alter some of the key parameters (e.g. adding sets, merging to create supersets, etc). This kind of functionality is so useful (and is built into the free versions of apps like 'Strength Log'). It would be great to have this available as part of the TP version.
Also not sure why you can only create the workout on the desktop app, and then only execute it on the mobile app?
30 votes
- Don't see your idea?