1158 results found
A basic version of TP
It would be great, to have a TP version, that can do more than the free version, but less than the premium.
Why ? : I love the planning features of TP, but don't do that much cardio anymore. So the premium version is to expensive, and the free version don't allow me to use the planning features.
And since i really want to continue to support TP, a basic version, with planning, and some details on workouts, would be great.1 vote -
Require email when plan is sold
When someone buys a training plan, their email should be included in the info provided so the coach can follow up.
4 votesWe can (and do) provide the purchaser’s email address when the buyer has consented to receive additional information in their user settings.
Reports show '7 Day' totals but actually includes 8 days.
More of a fix than an idea. The iOS app has several summary screens showing a '7 Day' total. But the days underneath and the totals themselves actually include a running 8 days.
I think it would be preferable to fix the totals to be a weeks worth of data (as most, I assume, work in weeks) rather than fix the text to say 8 days.
1 voteThe “Last 7 Days” date range allow you to see today and what you did on the same day last week. This is the same in the mobile apps and in the web app. This works well for the graphs. For the summary reports there are other date range options that can be used in the mobile apps that include just 7 days: “This Week”, “Last Week”, and “Next Week”.
Pre-Activity Comments
I understand the intent of the pre-activity notes but from a user standpoint it does not make sense to me. Please consider a user accessible pre-activity section to record technique comments aside from the actual workout specifics. As a self coached athlete I would find this area useful to input work out tips and techniques to consider or pre-race focus ideas... Restricted areas within a personal training log don't make sense to me as a user... Please consider this as an RFE..
3 votes -
to be able to import and export workout libraries into a tabular Excel format
It would be great to be able to import and export workout libraries into a format that could be uploaded into other types of coaching software (e.g. Commit Swimming, etc.) or used with one's own Excel spreadsheets.
27 votes -
New Pricing Tier
I really like training peaks, but after years of paying $120 a year for features I wasn't using I decided to stop and switch to Garmin connect. I did this because Garmin connect let me plan out in the future (poorly). I recently switched back because training peaks is more detailed, but I am stuck using the free version I want to pay some features and I feel like the $50-60 is the sweet spot. I am looking for just a few capabilities. 1) planning 2) create workouts. That's really it. Some basic metrics would be a plus.
16 votes -
Title of Workout
I would like the title of the workout to be the highlighted item in the workout library, not the duration of the workout.
Entered on behalf of user- MM.
1 voteThe current design allows for more or the title to be displayed, which may users have requested. Currently, there are no plans to change this,
Add Efficiency Factor and other advanced metrics to the Reporting Dashboard Chart
Add Efficiency Factor and other advanced metrics to the Reporting Dashboard Chart.
These are extremely useful metrics, but they do no good when buried in the workout details.
It would be helpful to chart them over time, and correlate them against other metrics in the scatter plot
105 votesEfficiency Factor and other decoupling metrics are currently available for reporting in WKO4. You can download a 14 day trial of WKO4 for Mac here, the PC version will be available by the end of the year.
http://home.trainingpeaks.com/products/wko4 -
Add progressive hydration and nutrition tips as we go deeper into the training, there is no the same the first week of building the base tha
An app that syncronized your hydration and nutrition with your progress in the marathon training.
1 voteWe have partnered with MyFitnessPal for nutrition tracking.
More information on the MyFitnessPal integration can be found here:
http://home.trainingpeaks.com/blog/article/trainingpeaks-is-now-compatible-with-myfitnesspal -
2 votes
This is something that we will consider in the future.
Add date to training plans (as in classic)
ability to show and seach/goto a specific date in training plans - especially so in dual calendar mode
1 voteThe change to show week numbers instead of dates was based on user feedback. So far the response has been in favor of the change, and there are no plans to change it back at this time. But that could change in the future.
There is a workaround though. If you are not publishing the training plan to the store, but rather using it as a template to plan for your athletes, the workaround is to make the training plan dynamic. Dymanic training plans display with the actual calendar date.
Some meaningful metrics for sprinters?
Current metrics only work for endurance sessions and a really hard strength workout on the bike can give very low figures for TSS, IF and calories. This affects the graphs for CTL, ATL and make it more difficult to assess a race taper.
4 votes -
Add support for Pioneer device files (.db)
Pioneer head unit data is in .db format (sqlite I believe) and is supported by CyclingAnalytics. TrainingPeaks should support this filetype directly.
1 voteSupporting Pioneer device files is something we are considering for WKO4.
Add option to open workouts with descriptions open automatically.
Opening a workout doesn't add any info not already available in the workout list, except to expose an "edit" button. This seems silly. I want to compare details of several workouts without extra clicks. The details should be exposed automatically when I open the workout. Put the "edit" toggle on the details page.
1 voteIf a workout in the library has a description, there is a button to expand the description without needing to go to the edit view. In the future we plan is to show a preview of the description, which will remove a click.
Quickly switch between web users
My wife and I use TP and share the same laptop at home. It would be great if there could be a way for us to quickly switch from one person's login to the other, without all the clicking and typing required to logoff and login again.
How about listing the last few users logged in on that computer in the drop-down menu at the top, then popping up a quick password box, to quickly switch between users.
3 votesAt this time, this is not a feature that we plan to add. That may change in the future, but nothing is definite.
There are a few workarounds though, such as letting the browser autocomplete your user/pw, use a tool like LastPass, or use two different browsers – each browser will store its own login information.
Update Device Agent
Device Agent is in need of a few updates:
Newer devices don't seem to be recognised by name, only given a generic "FIT" device description. Examples (not actually that recent!) are Garmin fenix 2 and Garmin Virb action camera.
Integration with Garmin Express for the ANT+ devices (e.g. 910xt and Swim).
3 votesCurrently there are no plans for Device Agent to support Garmin Express. The recommended way to upload data from all Garmin devices is using our Garmin Sync feature. In this workflow you would use Garmin Express to upload your data to Garmin Connect. Garmin Connect then syncs your data to TrainingPeaks.
You can find more information here.
http://home.trainingpeaks.com/blog/article/instantly-upload-your-workouts-to-trainingpeaks-with-garmin-autosync -
Improve process when copy training plan
When copying an existing training plan in my coaching account, it would be VERY helpful if the "Settings" screen for the newly created plan would popup automatically after naming the new plan. This occurred automatically in the Classic coaching account. As it is now, I need to search for the newly created plan in order to update/edit any settings, since I usually need to, as it doesn't carry over certain settings, such as Dynamic Plans.
This creates a lot of extra clicks and makes the process take a lot longer than necessary.
6 votes -
Add date to birthdate settings
Submitted on behalf of Coach Mara: I would like to see not just mm/yyyy in athlete settings, but mm/dd/yyyy in the athlete settings. I like to send my athletes a birthday wish and without the ability to have a date in the data it is hard to do this.
1 vote -
Allow registration on the 'Customer Success Team' site
Allow registration on the 'Customer Success Team' site so that you only have to enter the subject and question each time and not all of your contact information etc.
3 votes -
Torque readings and estimates for online version
When working with track/road sprinters and cyclocross riders, I have found that knowing and having hub/crank/bb torque values is very helpful in making sure the riders have the instant start power they need to be successful in some events. Can the online version have an estimate like the desktop WKO? Thanks!!!!
4 votesFor now this will be a feature of WKO only. We may bring it to the web app in the future, but it is not currently on our roadmap.
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